Hayashibara Megumi
Internet Fan Club Newsletter
Volume 2, Issue 3


Copyright (C) 1995 by Jeff Okamoto. All rights reserved.
Photo of Megumi Hayashibara is Copyright (C) 1995 by Jeff Okamoto. All rights reserved.

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Welcome to issue #7 of the Hayashibara Megumi Internet Fan Club Newsletter! The busy convention season has come and gone, with Anime Expo, Anime America, and finally San Diego Con.

Miss Hayashibara attended Anime America '95 as one of their Guests of Honor (the other was Monkey Punch).

The cover photo for this issue was taken by your editor at Anime America '95.

World-Wide Web

You can now get all of the back issues online via your favorite Web browser. The URL for the fan club is:


PostScript copies of back issues can be retrieved from the following URL (broken across lines):


The files begin with "Hayashibara" and are compressed, so be sure to download them using binary mode.


Since membership has been pretty slow recently, I am making the following offer. All members who recruit another person into becoming a member of this fan club will be entered into a drawing, with each member signed up counting for an additional entry. I will randomly draw a winner from those entered. The prize will be an item autographed by Miss Hayashibara.

The new member must specifically mention which current member recruited them before that recruiting member will be entered in the drawing.

Feature Article

In this issue is a summary of Miss Hayashibara's attendance at Anime America '95, as well as some information on other Internet resources that are available to you.

Anime America '95

Miss Hayashibara's attendance at Anime America was her second appearance at an American animation convention.

Although she attended the Opening Ceremonies on Thursday evening, she did not go onstage to say any words.

On Friday she had her main panel and autograph session. Sadly, only 100 people were allowed to receive autographs from Miss Hayashibara. Additionally, photographs of Miss Hayashibara were not allowed.

Saturday was her press conference, and your editor was among those allowed to be present, though this Fan Club is not officially recognized by Arts Vision. After the conference, limited photos were allowed. She had another autograph session, and again, only 100 people received autographs.

At her concert on Saturday night, Miss Hayashibara wore a white sleeveless blouse with a pink chiffon skirt and off-white low-heeled shoes. She was also wearing two small necklaces.

She gave a roughly 20-minute speech in English, in which she detailed how she got into voice acting (while with her father in the hospital, an obnoxious nurse got her so angry she bought a manga to calm down. In that manga was an ad recruiting seiyuu), how she worked her way through both nursing and seiyuu school, and how she wants to continue to be a seiyuu for all of our enjoyment.

After that, a portion of a video about the making of Blue Seed was shown. Then a drawing was held for those who entered a contest to describe which character of Miss Hayashibara's was their favorite. The winners received posters and/or CD's.

Next was a video from Slayers, then a concert video featuring Miss Hayashibara and another seiyuu from Slayers. Another Slayers video followed, then finally the main event: the live concert.

Miss Hayashibara performed five songs:

"Until Strawberry Sherbet" (the Bakuretsu Hunter OP, on both Sphere and Enfleurage)

"Machi e Deyou" (from Enfleurage)

"Kokoro no Planet" (the Nukunuku version from Enfleurage)

"Midnight Blue" (from Slayers)

"Watashi ni Happy Birthday!" (from Bannou Bunka Nekomusume and on Shamrock)

Internet Mailing Lists

There are a number of mailing lists which you can subscribe to. These include topics such as seiyuu, Ranma, Aa! Megami-sama, shoujo manga, and Tenchi Muyou.

To subscribe to these lists, send mail to the following addresses.


Internet Web Sites

Besides the URL for this fan club, you can also check out Hitoshi Doi's seiyuu site at the following URL:


Other Seiyuu Fan Clubs

There are only a few fan clubs for seiyuu that are based in the United States. Besides this one for Miss Hayashibara, there are a few others which may soon be starting up.

The first is for Mitsuishi Kotono and the second is for Mizutani Yuko. Once they are ready, look for an announcement on the seiyuu mailing list.


To contact this newsletter, send electronic mail to the Internet address: okamoto@seiyuu.com.

Hayashibara Megumi Internet Fan Club / seiyuu.com!okamoto / 6 Nov 1995