From: greatbrit Newsgroups: Subject: WSOP 2003, day 12: Who would like the chips this time? Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2003 16:18:02 -0700 Another lazy day. I got up to set the clock up, got a little breakfast, did some work in my room in the afternoon, then watched a little of the final table, much noisier than yesterday with Mike Matusow working the crowd. Then I decided to play a one table satellite. When it started off it was going to be a $175 No Limit, but someone suggested we kick it up to $225 as we'd get 800 chips instead of 600, we were all fine with that, so we played $225. This was one of the longest satellites ever, the dealer was on his first day, well I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he was, first was the five minutes to figure out the egg timer, then the oh so slow dealing, then disputes of some kind on every other hand, then the corrections to every other pot; the dealer understood the concept of pushing the pot when the hand was over, it just wasn't clear to him that this wasn't a random procedure and that the pot should actually go to the player who won. Then we had a dispute when someone announced "raise", put in 50, which was 50 less than the previous bet, then shoved in. Someone argued that was illegal, a wrong decision was made that he could only raise the minimum (but kudos to the floorman who later came over to apologize after realizing the all-in raise was legit). The whole game was like this, there were too many table captains and a dealer who didn't know what to do, so hands were taking forever. Once the table captains were gone it was actually pretty fun, by now we'd spent more time with each other than most men spend with their wives and we had all bonded into a Kumbaya type group. We finally got down to 4, but the blinds were up to 200-400. I had been down to 300 earlier but had made some moves and got back into the fight, then we were down to three and almost made a deal. That didn't work so then I went on a bully rush and had most of the chips. Then we were down to two and the other guy was almost all-in. I offered him $300 to end it, but he wanted $500 so we played on. He doubled up twice, yuck, now I only had him 3-2. Then the blinds went to an unheard of 500-1000 (there's only 8000 on the table!), I pushed hard and got the bigger lead back. Then he limped, and I raised all-in with AJs, he thought for a while, was pretty committed, and called with 84o. 8xx flop, AIYAH! If he wins this he has 3/4 of the chips. The planets aligned, a J fell on the river and it's all over, $2,100, oh yeah! So now I'm even for the trip even after playing 3 main events and 3 nighttimes, which is great because I now have enough budget to play the limit and pot limit holdems that I wasn't sure about. I got it wrong yesterday about the super satellite satellites, it's $50, two winners get a $225 seat, have to play in the next available super. I have heard that the double shootouts may be ending soon (May 1), don't know if that's official or a rumor. As much as I like to give Matt Savage a hard time, he really does do a fantastic job as tournament director, and of course Binion's thinks so too. They have just announced the "Benny Binion Memorial Award" (well they originally named it the "Poker Room Managers Hall of Fame", but then renamed it) to honor WSOP tournament directors, Matt is the inaugural inductee. As if his head wasn't big enough already. Didn't eat all day, so Snack Bar for a burger (very good burgers, about $3), too tired to play the 11 p.m., off to bed a winner, it's been a fun trip so far. Paul