From: greatbrit Newsgroups: Subject: WSOP 2003, Day 11: Catching an early Train Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2003 18:40:38 -0700 There are not many things that can get me up an the crack of 2 p.m., but today was the final table of the 1/2 Stud / 1/2 Holdem and my friend Diego "D-Train" Cordovez was there, one of the shortest stacks, so I thought I'd better get there, err, quickly. Of course I needn't have worried, a few minutes after I arrived he went on an amazing rush, winning some big confrontations, and was chip leader. Eventually he was heads up with Chris Ferguson. You could have heard a pin drop during this battle, the large crowd of spectators were silent, watching these two toss chips at each other, it was great poker. But more than that, if you had to pick the two people who most exude class, intelligence and skill in poker it's these two; both are consummate gentlemen, both are fearless poker champions, they even went to dinner together when it was all over, it was tough rooting for one over the other. The line of the day that had the crowd roaring came from Vince Burgio who was doing some of the final table announcing, he was talking about how when Chris had three bracelets he had made a headband out of them, and when he had four he had made a waistband, he didn't know what he would do when he had five, although he knew what Phil Hellmuth would do, he'd make a headband. That's two years in a row poor Phil has been the innocent victim, last year of course was when Mel Weiner's (pronounced Why-ner) name was pulled out of the hat for the match-play tournament (the event sadly missing this year), then Phil's name was pulled as his opponent, our thanks go out to Perry Friedman for pointing out that this was the Weiner vs. Whiner match. While I was watching the end of the final table my friend Kathy Liebert went off to meet up with some friends at Gee Joon, the great Chinese restaurant inside Binions, she said I should come along when it was over. So about 40 minutes later I sauntered over to the table and there they were, the four of them had almost finished eating, and sitting on the table was plenty left of five great dishes of food, including those excellent Walnut Prawns. If I am ever rich I know exactly what I'm going to do with the money, I am going to hire a 'restaurant away team' who will wait for a table, order all the food, then I'll just stroll in when it's ready. This was actually quite a table, and what better place to name drop than in my trip report where you can't give me dirty looks. Tom McEvoy, Chris Bigler, Kathy, and Annie Duke, I'm glad we weren't playing poker. I'd never really talked to Annie before, and I've only rarely played poker with her so I have no idea if there is any truth to the stuff Daniel says about how she is at the poker table, but I can tell you that at the dinner table she is a very nice, friendly and pleasnt person and not deserving of the abuse she has had to endure this past year. After dinner I played a satellite, my last chance to get into today's 2.5K Limit Holdem. I won't go into the gory details but I was out in a hurry. Actually, yes I will, my two pair flop lost to JJ that rivered a J, my 88 lost to 77 that rivered a straight, my AK totally missed the flop and cost me the rest of my chips bar one, which I put in with T9s and ighn. Then it was time for my contribution to the 11 p.m. fund. Whoever said you should never limp with Aces was absolutely right. Well, sort of, it was the other guy who limped with them, and nicely trapped me when my Q in the big blind hit the Qxx flop. I got more information about the chip overage at one of the final tables that Andy Glazer had mentioned in one of his reports. As he reported the chips were correct when the table started, and he was correct that it all went wrong during the color up of the 1000s to 5000s. Someone screwed up and the player whose stack they were using to collect up all the 1000s was the lucky recipient of 3 extra 5Ks. The procedure was clear, but it wasn't followed properly, there was no foul play. "Isolated Incident" :) it happens, it shouldn't happen, chip counts have been perfect other than that, lets hope they learnt a valuable lesson. Personally I think it should become standard practice that if they are going to use a player's chips for the color ups they should first count down his stack and write that amount on a piece of paper, they should then confirm that amount when they are done. And on that subject I also think they should never touch anyone's stack unless that person is present. Last night I wandered through the poker room, still plenty of action going in the side games (there was a Chinese poker game going, actually it may have been going every night, $100 a point, full of all-stars including Men the Master) and still plenty of satellites constantly starting up. Today I played another 800 point PokerStars satellite to try to get into the final for a WSOP seat. For the second time in two weeks I got all the money in with KK. Against AA. DOH! Binion's has just added a new satellite, it's $55 with two winners getting a seat into the $225 super satellite (I don't know how much if any cash is incuded). But I'll probably play a regular satellite tonight and maybe play the 11 p.m. again, or it could be a trip to the movies, I have a craving for overpriced popcorn. Paul