From: greatbrit Newsgroups: Subject: WSOP 2003, Day 6: A hard day's Nit Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 04:14:30 -0700 Our very own Jim "The Nit" Meehan won the 2K No limit tonight, it was around midnight, that's a total of 24 hours for the event (excluding breaks), no complaints here about the amount of play they get. If you don't know Jim you're missing one of the great personalities in poker. Jim is a super smart guy and a high stakes cash game player, one of those guys you see peeling off wads of bills in the pot limit games. He is not your typical cash game or tournament player, he talks loud, he takes smoke breaks every 5 minutes, and he constantly has a beer to his lips. Jim is a great guy, always entertaining and full of stories, I was thrilled to see him win his bracelet tonight. As the final card was dealt from the deck (Jim had KK against JJ) and Jim was announced the winner, you would have had trouble deciding if he'd won or lost, I didn't catch any emotion, I think he was being respectful of the guy he'd just beaten. I didn't get to see much of the final table as I was playing in the 1.5K Pot Limit Holdem. Yes, I know I promised you a bracelet, if there had just been 26 less players I'd have one, I came 27th. out of 212, just getting into the money and my first ever cash in my two years and six events at the WSOP. I played my best game ever, my table was in the final area so never broke, but as people were knocked out we kept getting tougher players. It started with Amir Vahedi and Humberto Brenes to my left making it hard to steal blinds, then later on TJ arrived with a huge stack, plus several other assorted superstars. I was short stacked the whole day and other than one KK, one AK, AQ twice, TT twice, 66, 44 and 22, I had the most horrendous run of cards and spent all day playing a short stack, stealing my way into the money. One key hand for me was when I was in the big blind with AQo. There was a raise to 300 (blinds 50-100) and 4 limpers! So when it got to me I raised all my chips, I was short stacked and this was a chance to get back in the game. All folded except for a guy with 66, what was he thinking! The flop was K85, I was ready to leave, the turn was an 8, the river was a K, Ace plays, oh yeah! The money was the same for 19-27, and only $500 more for 10-18, so there was no point in creeping up the ladder, I was short stacked and needed chips fast, so on the very first hand after we were reseated at 27 I raised UTG with 22, almost got away with it too, but the big blind had 99 and was no doubt quite happy with the 953 flop. He checked, I went all in for my last few chips, he called, and ighn. So the good news is I now have enough that I will play the 2K Pot Limit and the 1.5K Limit. I talked to Mike Laing tonight, I felt a bit bad about how the story I told yesterday may have sounded, Mike took the whole thing very well but I hope I didn't make it sound like he was being a pain, it is just his schtick, I didn't think he wasn't doing it with me in a mean spirited way. Tonight I asked about the tips, apparently that is going very well, people are tipping on top of the 1% that is being taken out for the tourney staff and everyone's happy so far. Also abuse has stopped since day one, no more penalties, and final chip counts have been right every day. The 11pm had another big field tonight. Matt continues to tweak the main event structures as we go along, I like that they are responsive to the players and slow things down or speed them up during certain levels as necessary. The clocks are still ticking and Matt hasn't called me a wanker in almost two days, life is good. Tonight I went with a friend to see "The Core" at Neonopolis, this is the downtown shopping complex that is full of old restored neon signs of Las Vegas, worth checking out at night, plus it has a very nice multiplex cinema. If you saw Armageddon you've already seen The Core, except the shuttle goes down instead of up, but the effects are excellent, especially the opening scene with the space shuttle. I won't be playing for a few days, and I'll be locked in my room working for the next two, so not sure if I'll be doing a report, all I might have to offer is a description of the furniture and why my fridge was only working at night. Paul