Subject: Reno Hilton World Poker Challenge - Day 20, Final Day From: greatbrit Newsgroups: Date: Fri, Jan 25, 2002 3:54 AM Message-ID: <> WOW! Today's final table was about as good as you could ever expect to see. It started at 2pm and ended at 1am with Jack Fox and Dick Turner battling it out heads up for ever. Both of them had the other outchipped 3 to 1 at least twice, it finally ended with two huge hands when Jack flopped a flush with QTs against Dick's KQ with a Kss flop. Then the final hand when they got it all-in again with Jack's 77 against Dick's AKs, no help for Dick, and my good friend and world champion player Jack Fox walked off with the title. Of course Jack HAD to win, I'd told him that I'd already announced his win on rgp. He still owes me lamb chops. Mega Whine Mode on: I think I am officially the unluckiest player on earth. I played the evening No Limit, probably the best I've ever played, I went from chip leader to out in two hands. First I called an all-in bluff of 87o with my 77 in the BB, 8 on the turn. Then I reraised all-in with my AA against an 88 raise, he called and didn't catch an 8 or even a straight. He caught a runner runner flush on the river, IGHN. :Mega Whine Mode off On a personal note, I got to meet so many nice people this trip, plus I ended the tournament up $8,000 which didn't hurt any. This week I finally got to meet Rick DaVoice Charles (they don't call him DaVoice for nothing), a great guy who put on a great show with the very able assistance of the always fun Frank NUTZ Brabek (they don't call him NUTZ for nothing). I also got to meet several rgp lurkers (Hi John!) these last three weeks who came up to me to introduce themselves and tell me to stop cluttering up the newsgroup. I also got such a great response on the clock (and maybe another write up in Poker Digest) so am hoping that will turn into my getting new venues and new sponsors this year, many thanks to Mike, Dave, Steve, Billie, John and the whole tourney crew for your support. Well, it's all over, not the World Poker Challenge any of us had expected but a very fun time nonetheless. It's beginning to look more likely that next January Reno Hilton will go after the lower market crowd, which is fine with me as I'll get to play more events, plus they'll maybe move the WPC to March. Thanks for all your emails. IGHN. Paul