Subject: Reno Hilton World Poker Challenge - Day 19 From: greatbrit Newsgroups: Date: Wed, Jan 23, 2002 11:34 PM Message-ID: <> Today was the first day of the final event, 33 entries, first place 70K. They just got down to 9 players at 11pm, some were upset that they weren't playing down to the money (3 places were being paid, but they adjusted the payouts to pay off 5K for 4th. and 5th.). This means 4 people at the final table at 2pm tomorrow won't get paid. My horse died a slow agonizing death when he couldn't catch any cards, and when he did he ran into bigger cards so got short stacked. Still, he did his best and it was fun for me to have a horse. I wish Jack Fox was my horse, he won a satellite this morning to get into the main event and is now one of the major chip leaders, he is playing fantastic and must be a favorite. Other notables are Miami John, Randy Holland and Tex Morgan. I played the limit holdem tonight (120+100), my sad story continued with a nice amount of chips early, but then I ran into three river beats and I was gone: first was my AKs vs the correctly s00ted AKs (I know I should only play spade s00ted, not heart s00ted, but I was feeling reckless) then my BB A8 vs SB AJ A8x flop, J river then my final all-in of A3s vs KTo with ATx flop, K river. IGHN. Tomorrow is also the final evening event, the 120+100 No Limit, I have one day left to redeem myself. Card Player sent me a nice banner ad for the clock, it informs us that Rick DaVoice Charles is broadcasting live tomorrow (1:15pm PST), and listeners can win two $330 entries to the upcoming Commerce event (it says to see Card Player site for details): I played some video poker tonight, I usually play a lot (Reno Hilton has full-pay deuces wild) but haven't done much this trip. I flopped 4 deuces and ended with a nice $300 profit which paid for my limit holdem disaster today, so unless I bet 9K on Tyson winning a Nobel peace prize, I'll be going home a winner. Paul