Subject: Reno Hilton World Poker Challenge - Day 17 From: greatbrit Newsgroups: Date: Tue, Jan 22, 2002 2:15 AM Message-ID: <> Today I played the $225 no limit, I played well and got down to the final 3 tables (I think we started with 112 players) with a decent stack but with the blinds getting big, then got JJ in the BB. Hippie John on the button put in a fairly big raise, and I reraised all-in knowing he was just stealing the blinds; he had the nerve to call me with his KK and IGHN. Then I went to dinner and got back just in time to be an alternate in the Super Satellite (it starts at 7:30 but you can buy in any time in the first hour), I wasn't planning on playing but one of our dinner group was Randy Holland and he convinced me to do it. I got my 300 chips, then the break came and I got my 500 add-on, for a total of $220 buy-in. I'd also won a hand right away so now had 1300 chips, this was a good thing. We got down to 5 players and I was chip leader. They wanted to pay off 5th. place (the bubble) so I agreed to $100 off of 1,2, and 3, then we played on and got down to 3 when I knocked out the 4th. guy. I was now slightly ahead in chips, with 3rd. place quite short and anxious for a deal before the blinds went up again. This turned out to be a dream final 3 for a deal because I really wasn't at all bothered to play the 5K event unless I could win outright (I didn't want to pay out money to the others as part of a deal), and the second chip leader, the extremely nice Bob Thompson, a WSOP final table finisher, wanted to play the big one for sure. The prize money remaining was 1) a seat (5K value) + $200, 2) 1500, 3) 700. Bob made a deal with both of us where he took the seat. My deal was he paid me 2nd place plus an extra $700 (so I won a total of $2200 less my buy-in and extra tip for a profit of about $1900), PLUS 20% (value $1,000) of him in the big event, a deal we were both very happy with, and now I have my first very own 'horse' in the big one, WooooHoooo! Talking of WooooHoooo, this was RGP day with NewJane showing up for the NL event, then later Rick Charles and Frank NUTZ Brabek. Frank and Rick dragged me into a $40 satellite, it only took me 30 minutes to figure out we were playing limit, not no-limit (I wondered why the dealer had given me change of 50 and why everyone was raising so little). I was doing OK with 5 left until I got AA in the BB and got all my money in pre-flop against QQ, IGHN. Rick had trouble getting his show going today when his rental laptop decided to be awkward, but me being a super geek I was travelling with two laptops so had a spare for him to use. We've got his own one working now so he'll be broadcasting every day through to the end, he should have a few big name guests so will be worth listening in to. Because the final is now a two day instead of three day event, you'll be able to listen to Rick's broadcast without it clashing with the poker pages final table broadcast at Tunica. Tomorrow (Tuesday) is the $330 limit holdem, the last event before the 5K event starts. I'm up over 9K for the week, plus I have my piece of the big one, so it's been a great trip, winning tomorrow would make it greater of course... Paul