Subject: Reno Hilton World Poker Challenge - Day 14 From: greatbrit Newsgroups: Date: Sat, Jan 19, 2002 9:50 AM Message-ID: <> Yesterday was the $1000 Pot Limit Omaha with rebuys, I didn't play and Pot Limit Omaha isn't my best game, but I am confident I would have made the final table. Well actually everybody made the final table, they didn't have enough people for a second table. One of the reasons for the, umm, short field, was because today was the start of the $225 events, today was no limit holdem, it had a respectable 95 players. I had a player on my left who from any position shoved all his chips in 5 times in the first hour, we all sat waiting for a hand to play back at him. Then unfortunately I found one, and it was ironically 99, the hand I had agonized over so much on day two's pot limit. I raised double the big blind, shovey guy pushed in his whole stack, folded around to me and I had a fairly easy call for all my chips. Nothing on the flop, the turn a 3 which was quite helpful to shovey guy who had 33, and IGHN. So then I thought I'd test the misalignment of the planets by playing a $115 limit holdem satellite. Heads up I had a monster chip lead over Bill Eikel, but I still gave him a $100 save because I know that you don't need much to beat me. We got into a big pot, him with AJ, me with TT. Flop was AAT, we got all of our money in and turned our cards over. Turn was a K and Bill begged the dealer for a K or a J, he got neither. He got an Ace. A couple of hands later we both flopped a pair, Bill's was bigger, and IGHN. Andy Gamboa won the $225 event, he's been at a LOT of final tables this past week, with 3 players left he had half the chips but offered an amazing deal to the other two (who were equal), he took 5K, they took about 4K each! I think Andy was just tired and wanted to get some sleep. My clock can do chip count calculations, while I was doing that I saw that the chips, which should have been 95 X 1000 = 95,000 were actually 96,400, and this without any color ups (very unusual) which can sometimes mess up the count. I talked to the TD, he already knew about the 1,400 chips and was pretty angry about it, he said the chip count has been totally accurate the whole tournament, so nobody had been taking chips out of play in previous events (although I don't see why they couldn't have taken them out last year at some other tournament, but there again, this was a small $225 event which seemed like an odd time to cheat when there had been much bigger prize pools). He thought it was more likely that a dealer or two had accidentally put out wrong sized stacks at the beginning (and that all 10 innocent players at the table had failed to notice or of course they would have said something, uh huh). It appears they do not have a proper accounting of the chips when they are distributed to the dealers at the start of the day, I think heads will be rolling today and a new accounting procedure will be imminent. Watch for a partially factual account of what happened from GCA in about 10 years. Today is the $1,000 limit holdem, I'd really like to play this but I'm going to wait to see the numbers, anything less than 50 and I won't consider it. At 2pm is the $225 Omaha hi/lo, I'll probably play that instead, they give you four cards every hand. Paul