Subject: Re: Reno Hilton World Poker Challenge - Day 5 From: greatbrit Newsgroups: Date: Thu, Jan 10, 2002 1:58 AM Message-ID: <> Today was the 7 Stud and the final table of the no limit holdem. The no limit had more than I thought, 233 entries with a 24K top prize, a big crowd watched the final table and it was quite exciting with the short stack making a few small comebacks before finally succumbing to the two Goliaths. The eventual winner was Russ Floyd, the same guy who won the first event (limit holdem) last year, no deals were made. I didn't play the stud seeing as I can't even remember my two cards in holdem, instead I played a couple of satellites (won one, lost one, for a nice $350+ profit) and came out even at video poker. I also had a nice chat with Chris Bigler, we were ironically talking about the issues with the Binions 6% when a dealer came over to talk to us and mentioned he was looking forward to dealing at Binions so he could make some money, he had absolutely no idea about the controversy. In fact last year at Binions I noticed that very few people knew anything about the barrings or the whole tip controversy. To me that was a big wake up call that rgp is just a small blip on the poker radar when it comes to influencing industry issues, all the more reason why a players' association may be needed. Tonight I got sucked into an obviously crooked game of liar's poker (guessing digits on dollar bill serial numbers) with Kathy Liebert and a friend of both of ours, I lost $2 right off the bat before we luckily ran out of dollar bills. Kathy then challenged me to a $100 heads up freezeout no limit holdem, I tried negotiating her down to $5 with no success, so of course I had to decline the challenge so I wouldn't lose $100 and so she wouldn't be able to describe the beating on rgp. A few top names (I think around 5 to 10) are leaving Reno and going to Tunica (I heard Men, Tony Ma, can't remember the others), this is of course very good news for the rest of us as the field just got a lot easier, but no doubt a disappointment to Reno Hilton that the Tunica tournament has had a big affect. Tomorrow is the last $330 event (except for the seniors event the next day), the limit omaha hi/lo, I'll probably play because with four cards I can play every hand (even if I can't remember what the four cards are). We have a sponsor offering buy-ins and rebuys and free hotel room for an upcoming tournament at Oasis in Mesquite. Paul