Subject: Reno Hilton World Poker Challenge - Day 4 From: greatbrit Newsgroups: Date: Wed, Jan 9, 2002 1:40 AM Message-ID: <> Pretty boring report today, nothing much happened, Men was a good boy again, all is right with the world. Today was the $330 No Limit Holdem, not sure of the numbers, but somewhere over 200. I wasn't going to play as I was up most of the night doing a programming project, but being a compulsive tournamite I forked over the money and was out within three hours. I didn't play badly, I just didn't play well. I got no cards and didn't steal enough so my stack dwindled, then when I finally got something resembling a hand, AJo, it looked like pocket aces and I raised, but had to release it when a solid player come over the top (he showed QQ), so now I was in bad chip shape. The next hand I got TT, shoved it in, got called by KK, and IGHN. How can they call me, don't these people know who I am!!! I spent a little while watching the new coat of paint dry (final table of the 7 stud hi/lo) and had a very nice chat with Kathy 'bad girl' Liebert (that's an inside joke folks, she's a very nice person), who was there to sweat Tom McEvoy. She can play, but as a sweater she is quite deficient, I had to keep reminding her that Tom was raking in some more chips, I cannot recommend her if you are looking for a sweater. On the clock front, we have another sponsor coming up soon, and it looks like I might have made a couple of clock sales (contrary to popular belief, I DO have a clock, it just isn't wooden). Tomorrow is the $330 7 Stud, I'll be sleeping. Paul