From: "PrestoET" To: "Barge" Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 21:10:53 -0500 Subject: [BARGE] OT - ET's WSOP Double shoot result Okay, last week I promised results of my WSOP 10K double shoot out. I'll include some player detail and structure as the Chicago gang will know some of the players and might play in this next year. I'll try to recreate the scene and a few hands as best I can. Some of the below players read RGP so I am sure they will correct me or give their spin if I am wrong. For the final we got 10,000 in chips with blinds starting at 25/50 but going up every 15 minutes. This is 11 handed (it is technically a charity event) and they make their money off the 11th player. Seat 1 is really bad player (RBD) who I watched win the last seat when he took K9 heads up against AQ all in before the flops at close to equal chip level and hit a 9 to win. Seat 2 is Ron, scraggly black hair, glasses and often wears is this french looking red hat, plays at Hollywood Casino. Seat 3 is a woman I do not know but turns out she is out of her element, playing too many hands, doesn't know what to bet or raise. Seat 4 is semi-clued in player (SCP) with a WPO hat. I've seen him before, but don't think he can last. Seat 5 is Lyn or Lynn, solid player who I know. Seat 6 is " The King" from Hollywood Casino. Can be very dangerous but often gets in trouble, I've only seen him play limit. Seat 7 is Chad, local asian player, solid and tough according to Billy. Seat 8 is Billy from Hollywood Casino, local grinder, very competent. Everyone knows and likes Billy, if I can't win I hope he does. Seat 9 is unknow player(UP) Seat 10 is ET Seat 11 is solid player(SP) Early on not much happens for me and there is plenty of time, pocket 6s with some limpers, no 6 on the flop. Can you count the mistakes on this hand? Big hand for King when he raises in early, SP reraises, all fold to king who only calls the raise. Flop is 682, check check. King makes a huge gaff and goes all in on the turn when a J comes, other player calls easily with his set of 8s and the King is crippled. At 100-200 now, Billy opens for 600, I reraise to 2000 with AK and Ron thinks and thinks and calls behind me in the BB. Billy folds. Flop is rags, 10 high and Ron checks, I bet out 2500, and he goes all in, almost turns his hand over, stand ups excitedly. Easy fold for me and I'm down to 5000. I heard later he had AA 4 times in the first hour. King is in the BB and I make it 500 to go (I think this is 100-200 level). RBP and woman call behind me, King calls. Flop is Q92, king goes all in for the rest of his chips, another 1000 or so? I reraise, everyone folds, King shows Q10, I show KK. King goes home as no help comes and we are down to 10. This gets me back up to about 8000+. Nothing much happens for me after this except I push Bill off hand when I reraise big with AK and he mucks and shows 55. Big hand develops at the other end of the table at about the 200-400 level, when Ron raises to about 1000, woman calls and RBD calls in the blind. Flop is 923, RBD who is short stacked goes all in for last 3k? Ron raises, woman calls reluctantly and is all in. RBD shows 96, Ron has AA, woman has TT. Turn is a 6, river is a blank. RBP triples up, woman goes home. We are down to 8. Nothing happens for me except I bleed chips for close to an hour. In the small blind at 500/1000 I decide to call the 500 with J8 suited after the RBD limps and the woman limps. I miss the flop completely. Somewhere in here a big hand develops and Ron is busted by who else....RBP Down to 7. Lynn is very short chipped and goes all in for 2400, RBP calls, SCP calls. Flop brings an Q, SCP has AQ and bets, all the chips get in the pot. RBP has KK and busts 2. We are down to 6. UP busts when he limps with AA, I misread him and raise with a suite A. RBP calls, then UMP reraises for the rest of his chips, I am trapped and call. RBP calls. We check it down and RBP rivers a flush with the Ks5s and UWP is busted by I am down to 3K. We are down to 5. Chad is very short stacked and goes all in for his last 1400 late postion, I reraise all-in to 3000 on the button. SP in the SB calls (he has a bunch of chips). It looks bad, Chad has AJ, SP has KQ, I need to fade 4 over cards with my TT. I flop a T and get back to 10,000 and we are 4 handed. 4 handed I am short stacked and in trouble. I steal the blinds a could times but when we get to 1000-2000, I only have 6k left. I find 66 on the button and go all in. SP folds. RBP player thinks and thinks (he has a ton of chips and finally calls the extra 4K). I don't really want him to call but I also really would like to double up+ to 13K. I get just what I am looking for as he has called with K6 off vs my 66. Perfect! for me except when the K comes on the turn and I go home. I stay long enough to see SP go out at the 4000/8000 level. Billy has managed to claw back but is probably 2 to1 to RBP. I go home when the go on break. Cheers, ET ________ A big thank you to Paradise Poker and PokerStars, both of whom have agreed to fully sponsor BARGE 2004! And many thanks to Quiotix Technologies for helping us by co-sponsoring BARGE 2003.