Subject: Peppermill Spring Tournament - Day 1 From: greatbrit Newsgroups: Date: Fri, Feb 22, 2002 9:58 PM Message-ID: <> I don't know why do I do this, my trip reports just get me to relive the agony of the day, maybe I'm a closet masochist. Well today was the 120+100 limit holdem, 119 players, 114 rebuys. They thought they might get 170 so it was way down from that, but it was way up from the 40 they had in November, and tomorrow is looking promising too. I started out playing great today, got down to 4 tables with above average chips, then in 4 hands I was gone. I played 2 of them very poorly, one where I should have just check raised the flop but instead slow played myself to death on the river, another where I raised with AK, got reraised and I called, only to give it up on the rag flop when I could well have had this aggressive player beat. Then two horrible situations arose, one where I was in the small blind with KQ, limped in with one limper and the big blind (I should probably have raised). The flop was Txx and we all checked, the turn was a Q and I lost a bunch of chips to the big blind who had QT and had been trying for a check-raise on the flop. Then I was in the big blind with 54o and unfortunately the button limped, and the small blind limped. If the button had raised I would of course have not been there, but instead I flopped 2 pair with a 345 flop, and got slow played by the small blind with A2, DOH! My exit hand was very painful when my KQ with a Q flop but all my chips in was beaten by the three of hearts with two hearts on the flop, and two more by the river, IGHN. To drown my sorrows I went to the buffet for "seafood night", otherwise known as "gouge the weekend tourist night". $25 got me a lot of yummy lobster tails and actually a really excellent buffet, the place was crowded so I guess I'm not the only gullible one in town. Tonight was the pot limit holdem 120, no rebuys. Got blinded down a little, then with 4 limpers I raised the pot with AKs in the big blind, got one caller with AQ, got all my chips in on the Axx flop, and of course a Q came on the turn, IGHN (not sure if you can technically GHN twice in one day). Here's some good news, the whole poker room, including the ring games is now NO SMOKING!!! This is a major change for Peppermill as smoke has been a huge problem in that low ceiling room, so even though the tourney has been no smoking for quite a while, the ring game smoke had always sent a cloud over the whole room; as Patti Beadles once quoted, it was like standing in the no peeing section of the swimming pool. The smoke has kept many players away, hopefully this change will bring them back. Tomorrow is the 225+200 "Championship" limit holdem event, I won this two years ago (got a bracelet only 10 times thinner than the ones they give you at Binions), but that was before I knew what I was doing so I don't hold out much hope for this time. Paul