From: Bob Ogus Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 19:15:52 -0400 Subject: Re: [BARGE] MARGE 7 Trip Report A little late but here is my report Getting ready for MARGE was a hoot Had a very important business seminar (I hosted) in Orlando the week before What a laugh when Tom Overton called to say he was on the way a week early Unfortunately it turned out that he could not attend - we all missed him. Then the Monday before, the docs found blood clots in my legs So there was mad scramble (by the loving wife) to find a set of 14 injectors loaded with an anti clotting drug - oh what fun - seven days of self injection...Ucky - and ugly Anyway, got on the plane (against Doc's wishes) and flew to Biloxi/Gulfport where Oldbear was kind enough to meet me and pick me up 2.5 years after Hurricane Katrina and there is still a great deal of devastation - have not been back since and (as Oldbear said) I am astonished at the destruction still in sight. 30 minutes later and we get to the hotel...Mark asks me to store the trophies in my room so I do...the room was great and the rate (once Norm got it straight) was better. Make it rot the poker room 30 minutes later and meet some old friends - and new ones. Kendra was supportive and helpful in every way. As was every member of Norm's staff. They went out of their way to make us welcome. I won some money at 4-8 HE then played in a good Omaha 8 game. The games were generally soft with lots of tourists and a solid group of regulars some of whom knew how to play poker...seriously the games were all right but it was a lot of no fold em HE until I played 1-2 NLHE later in the week. Norm comped us to dinner at the Brogozzo's Italian Restaurant. They had a special meal for our comp that was very good. We were able to try several samples of pasta and desserts in addition to several other dishes. Good conversation and better friends. What a combo... Thursday came around with me thinking of the first MARGE tournament...O-8, my game. Last BARGE I won the Orleans O-8 tourneys twice! Sure enough some hours later it is time to chop the money and then play for the trophy. Bingo. By the way, thanks Mark...the trophies were great. Another great moment at MARGE is the appearance of Annette Colledge, the Tournament Director. She was - as was Norm - one of our good friends at the Grand. We were very fortunate to have this energetic professional direct our tournaments. (Did anyone else notice her twin sister playing later in the week?) Later that night I play more NLHE. I start with $200 and get to put $300 away as I go to the restroom. Slowly I build my stack to over $500...then three beats (one mistake on my part) and I am down to $26. A new dealer comes in ...and promptly triples me up, then doubles me up twice in a row. I tell her if I win again she gets half my winnings. Next hand. BANG. She gets a $65 toke! I leave 4450 ahead. Makes up for my earlier losses. Now ahead with winnings from tourney adding up. To a nice stake. Thursday my friend Howard comes in for his first AGR - and promptly wins the TOC. I bubble out of an earlier open tournament 11th when they pay 10. Then lose more at ring games. Another great dinner... Poker has turned against me - I lose much of my winnings until late when I make some up at NLHE (after a nap when others were tired.) Before I forget thanks to Minus 200 who offered and then provided great insight into the locals and their games. Even though he seemed destined to lose, lose, lose,; his help to me was welcome and effective. And his wry sense of humor was also a welcome addition to my MARGE. The friendship and camaraderie at MARGE - especially with the small group - was great. With a minor exception everyone was fun to be with and made my weekend. The Isle's 12 PM tournament is a bounty tournament where you ante up $35 for the tourney, $25 for the bounty, and $5 for the dealers. I go out but have 4 bounties. At the end of the tournament, a bunch of us went to Faradays in the Isle of Capri and had a very good dinner - with another generous comp. At the end of the dinner, Mark and others got a couple of bottles of Merlot and toasted in honor of Grant Beardsley (Dr Fish) who had passed away. When we wandered back to the poker room, ten of us got into a game of Midnight Madness consisting of alternating rounds of Omaha 4-8 with a half kill and Crazy Pineapple. I lost about $150. Saturday was a blur. The tournament started at 12 and I was out first. What a bummer. My legs were killing me and my head was not in the game. I left early and took some pain pills. Then Howard took me on the first of two memorable rides (ostensibly to help me find a book to read on my way to Camp Lejeune for work on Sunday). Little did I know that the warning light (low gas) would come on 3 minutes after we left the hotel down HWY 90 - which has no gas stations left after the storm. 15 minutes later - it seemed longer - Howard found a side street and then 5 minutes later a gas station. The Isle of Capri poker room is staffed by several old Biloxi Grand poker room dealers and run by Norm Redo, another old Biloxi Grand Poker Room veteran. They did a superb job. Norm was more than gracious - and generous - even setting up some finger food for the Awards Ceremony. The trophies (and a Jacket!) were great. Like Mark, I found the whole Isle of Capri crew very professional. The no-smoking was a blessing. I am writing the Director Of Card Ops and the Manager to express my thanks., MARGE 2007 was a success due to Mark's hard work. We owe him our thanks, a vote of confidence, and our support next year. Oops...almost forgot the second ride. Howard and I shared a room Saturday and then he was nice enough to give me a ride to the Airport on his way back (driving to Orlando)., We leave too early to tell and then find police cars and lights 2 miles short of the exit for the airport. (Later we found out that a lady, driving drunk, had hit and killed people causing a multiple car accident.) Off we go paralleling the highway, cutting thru an industrial park, taking 2 or 3 side roads and voila we hit the right road and make to the airport with plenty of time. I did manage to win enough that (except for two massages) the trip was a break even proposition,,,, what a deal,,,5 days of real fun with friends for almost nothing. Thanks to all and best regards until we meet again. From: Bob Ogus Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 15:09:00 -0400 Oops Small typo Not 4550 ahead - $450 ahead after NLHE