Subject: FARGO "Rookie" Trip Report (Long and potentially boring - you've been warned...:-) From: (Steve) Date: 18 Oct 2001 12:15:52 -0700 Newsgroups: First off, I'd like to thank the entire FARGO group - I enjoyed playing with everyone and had a fantastic time. Since I came in late Friday and my sister and her husband came down from Boston on Saturday afternoon with my 1.5 year old nephew, I didn't have a chance to meet as many of you as I would have liked but hope to do so at future rgp events. The grand plan on Friday (after sleeping in my car - LI golf nuts will understand) was to play Bethpage Black in the morning and then straight off to Foxwoods. Unfortunately, office duties could not be avoided in the afternoon so I ended up having the additional pleasure of a five hour twenty minute car ride from midtown NYC. A must pit stop is normally made in New Haven as I call ahead 30 minutes or so to Frank Pepe's or Sally's to place a takeout pizza order. Unfortunately, Pepe's was backed up an hour and a half ! (only whole pies at these great pizza joints, no slices) and I couldn't get through to Sally's so I just kept going. I arrived at Foxwoods the same time as my old college roommate Andrew Richman who had flown into Providence from DC. We played some 4-8 hold'em to get warmed up for the tournament before going to bed. We passed on the Fri. night FARGO events to save our ammo for the perceived easier ring games. The highlight of the weekend was playing in the hold'em tournament. I didn't do any research on the newsgroup so I didn't know the various player reputations Ð I already knew going in I had the least experience and I figured I didn't need to scare myself. If memory serves me correctly, I (1 seat) had Llew and Jaeger at my table to start. I would classify my play as weak-tight and spent most of the beginning rounds folding. Then, Raydon (10 seat) joined the table and Llew and Jaeger made some noises about his coming to the table on their left and not being too happy about this development Ð I soon found out why. My newbie status was known at the table and Ray, after christening me the "Rookie", started taking my blinds with regularity. Jaeger casually informed me that all I needed to do was come over the top of Ray and that he always folds. Hmmm... not sure I believed that [:-)] I wondered if Jaeger was sorry to see so many of my chips going to Ray instead Ð I folded most of my hands to Jaeger whenever we were in a hand together so he definitely was taking his share. In any event, I loosened up a bit and started re-raising Ray when I had something reasonable in my blinds and he did fold a few times. I wasn't stealing enough blinds in late position or protecting my blinds enough from Ray so my stack was dwindling slowly as the rounds went on. Joan eventually joined our table. I'm not sure if I was in on a hand with her but I do remember looking up while in a hand and having Joan looking right at me and seeming to know what I was playing. I was nervous about giving away my hand (I felt I had a number of tells that people were picking up on) so I tried not to talk too much or look at anyone whenever I was in on the hand. This was quite difficult with Ray since he'd be asking me about my hand, how I felt about it, was I feeling lucky, did I have face card, etc. I don't think he was taking it easy on me at table although he did call from the small blind one or two times and that seemed out of character. In any case, I heard enough table talk to fold to Ray when the flop came ragged. I can't remember what Llew busted out on and Ray took out Joan later which brought a big cheer. I was able to extend my stay in the game when I got pocket rockets versus someone's pocket Kings and busted him out. Our table finally broke up and although I was having a really good time at the table, I was relieved pokerwise to get away from both Jaeger and Ray (never knew what they were playing with) and having to debate when to protect my blinds or not. Of course, after taking my seat at the new table, Ray happily came to the same table and sat on my right and picked up where he left off. My stack was doing its normal decline from folding often and not enough stealing/protecting blinds. Eventually, I wound up on the big blind with pocket rockets for the 2nd time in the tournament. There was one call and Ray raised from the small blind. I was really nervous because I felt this was my best opportunity to win a big pot with potentially two other players. I reraised the same amount and the other person folded. Ray, after commenting on my silly limit size raises, turned to me and casually asked if I had a pair. I nearly blurted out something stupid, like, "uh, I have pocket aces" but I just meekly replied that he'd have to pay to find out. Thinking I had given away my hand, I was relieved that he reraised me and then I went all in. Ray turned over pocket queens and thankfully, no queen fell. That beat left Ray short stacked at the table and I was soon moved to the other remaining table. Ray was definitely sorry to see me and my funds go. At the new table, I took a check of the various stacks at both tables and saw that I was short stacked and needed to start winning a few hands soon Ð this was something that Andrew taught me as I really had no knowledge of tournament tactics (he learned this from playing a marginal hand and busting out just before getting in the money at our previous Foxwoods trip - sorry andrew :-)). I had Russell to my left and another huge stack on my right. Russell asked me where I was from and then if I played at all in New York (I guess my inexperience hadn't made the full rounds yet although my play was soon transparent from the various comments such as "hey, he's loosening up, he's now playing pocket queensÉ"). After folding straight through a few rounds, I finally caught AK and bet it. The big stack to my right forced me to go all in and Russell to my left after having called me decided not to play. He got some good natured guff from the other players for not staying in the hand Ð he explained to me later there was no reason for him to come in and let me get back in the game with a possible win over two bettors Ð sounded sensible enough, especially when I ended up having aces full over kings. I could have used one of them later when the big stack to my right busted me out when my AK didn't get help and his 9 something paired up after another few rounds of folding. Good luck (two hands with pocket aces)and decent play had placed me 12th which I was very happy with. I ran off after the tournament to spend time with my sister. I caught up with Ray later that night and he was surprised to learn I busted out right after him (well, I didn't have anyone to pick on once he busted out [;-)] . After my sister left that night, I made it to the hospitality suite to drop off some alcohol which I had been planning to do the prior night Ð I think Art S, Mike K, and Al M were there but I just poured myself a drink and went back down to play some more. There were a few hands in the ring game to note. 1) Andrew raised with 26o on the button and ran down a player with KK in the big blind Ð only significance to this bad beat was that I was in the small blind and the big blind told me to protect my blind against my friend. Didn't feel that this was a very sporting gesture when he reraised behind me. 2) Saw Victor L get his AA sucked out by a low gutshot straight (draw on turn, made on the river) after the guy took two bets cold preflop (after Victor reraised my QQ) and raised the flop after Victor bet out Ð well played, sir. 3) Andrew made a hand with an 8 on the river to beat me and another guy and we discussed a bit about checking the hand down if we were ever heads up. Sure enough, a few hands later I'm in the small blind with pocket 8s and bet the flop with 89T on the board. After getting the case 8 on the turn, I check to Andrew (we're now heads up) who bets out. I give him a strange look and raise. River comes and I once again check and he bets out (made his straight). I give him another look and raise (now hoping he'll reraise me the bastard :-)). My play started to deteriorate from there Ð don't know how the rest of the FARGO crowd can keep concentrating for so long Ð I'm wiped out and go to bed around 1am. Stud Tournament I've only played low limit stud a handful of times while waiting for a hold'em game and had never played before in a stud tournament. Uncle Al and Jazbo were sitting one and two to my left respectively and were kind enough to give me some pointers. After raising the bring in bet out of ignorance whenever I played, Uncle Al casually mentioned I could just call. With all the friendly advice I had been receiving throughout both tournaments, I felt guilty about having sneaking suspicions that there were ulterior motives lurking behind the help. In any case, I didn't have any feel for the game but Uncle Al's pointer on stealing the antes with a good scare card worked well since Jazbo had an inordinate amount of bring ins. Of course, Uncle Al made sure to give me a complete lesson when he (with pocket kings) stomped me when I attempted to steal again. One time, Jazbo tried to raise his bring in bet after me and another person called. Needless to say, both of us checked and folded to him on the next round of betting, and the veterans at the table remarked that if they didn't know Jazbo so well, they would have thought his attempt to raise a great ploy as opposed to an honest mistake. Although I was holding steady with my stack, there was a part of me that wanted to get back to playing the hold'em ring game before having to drive back to NYC (that's my alibi and I sticking to it) so I started playing trash and Uncle Al mercifully busted me out with enough time left in the afternoon to play hold em. I ended the weekend recovering my tournament fees at the ring games but I had way more fun getting poker lessons and listening to the various FARGO players at the tournaments. Mercifully, the drive back to NYC went fast without much traffic Ð again, no luck with stopping in New Haven for pizza. I have limited knowledge of the game and the players and I did not take notes so this is my advance apology for any misrepresentations above. I don't recall any bad suck outs Ð I played fairly tight so I don't think this happened much if at all Ð I don't recall any "well played, sirs" coming my way. Thanks again to Bill and Joan for organizing Ð looking forward to next year's event. Steve