Subject: FARGO VI from Joan Hadley's Prespective From: (AlwaysAware) Date: 18 Oct 2001 13:57:15 GMT Newsgroups: *****Warning, lots of yacking, not all that much poker content. If you are reading to see if you were mentioned by name, scroll to the bottom for a list of names included to see if it is worth the time to read (smile)**** THE THANK YOU'S Of all the ARG events FARGO is my favorite. It is pure fun wrapped up in a compact weekend. Much appreciation and thanks to Kathy Woods, Mike Ward, and the dealers that makes FARGO a reality. Great heaps of gratitude to Bill Alan Hafey for the vision, establishing FARGO, and for ensuring that it continues to happen in the future. Steve Daniel for making the badges, crunching the numbers (heh, I JUST realized where the nick name "Crunch" hails from, d'oh) for best all around player and other behind the scene things. Special thanks to Len and Mary Marciano for recording bust outs so "Crunch" could crunch the numbers. Special note of extreme thanks to Tim Woodbury who first told me about FARGO. I met Tim at Foxwoods in a NL weekly tournament (the first NL tourney I had ever played) and he told me about FARGO. I had heard of BARGE, but when he mentioned FARGO I said "Oh, when are you going to Dakota :?" THE MISSING Special shout out to Buckshot (formally Buckshot-B) Stephen Benton, who signed up but couldn't attend. Ok, so I forgot to mention him in my BARGE report and this is the only way I can put him in my FARGO report to make up for it (smile). BTW, anyone I miss in my FARGO report, get over it... or whine like Stephen (grin) or better yet at the next ARG event, script it for me and I will include it. Also, missing this year are Goldiefish (Stevan Goldman) and Garnishmensch (Chic Natkins) something about a convention in Vegas and the tough life of playing the Bellagio at night, hmmmm. And of course, extra special shout out to Don Perry. Don was one of the first people I met (at the smoker) my very first FARGO. What a conversation, what a guy. He is also the one that persuaded me to attend BARGE. THE BEGINNING For me FARGO begins on Thursday. On my way I pick up Matt Mattros at the Hartford airport. He is very appreciative of the lift, but it is really beneficial for me to do so, as it forces me to establishment a time to leave the house. (Major renovations are still happening and it is easy to get caught up in the on going work.) Not only is FARGO fun, is it coordinated "team work." As we pull into Foxwoods, Matt calls Russell Rosenblum's cell phone and leaves a message that we are heading to Branches for dinner and to meet me (Joan) by valet parking at Cedar's if he wants a ride. I drop off Matt at the Two Trees Hotel (where he is staying and where the restaurant is located) and tell him to order for me (anything but liver [:-)] as we are short on time. As I am heading to the Cedar Hotel to check in, Russ calls my cell phone and says valet parking is a mess, drive up to the outside loop and he will "car sit" while I check in. With the very beginning going this smoothly how could it be anything but a wonderful weekend [:-)] Check in accomplished - we meet Matt and his dad, Bill, at Branches, eat and then head out to Greg Raymers (Fossilman) to play in the headsup NLHE tourney. FIHUPI - FOSSILMAN INVITATIONAL HEADSUP POKER TOURNAMENT The tourney is structured with 4 groups of 5 each. You play everyone in your flight and the winner advances to being in the money and playing for the championship. If there is a tie, say two players are both 3-1, whoever ever won the match between those two players advances. I win my first match.. woo hoo. My second opponent is Tim Woodbury. He is a solid, hard to read player. In the beginning he releases hands and shows them to me, he also shows me his hand when I fold. As the blinds increase, he stops showing and starts to pressure. He is very good. He is also patient and knows what is needed is for your opponent to make a mistake and to capitalize on it. I do, he does, end of story. Tim wins all four of the matches in our flight and he moves into the finals. He comes in second. Bruce Kramer comes in first, Russ Rosenblum is third and Ed Pizzarello comes in 4th. I first mentioned massage poker in my BARGE trip report (Congo massage line on the rail headed by Fold'em). Well, it just went to a new level. As I am playing David Huberman comes over gives my shoulders the Midas touch. This weekend just keeps getting better and better! It is nice to see David again and later in the evening we chat away as others are still in their matches. When it gets to the final four we make ourselves useful by dealing. The tourney up to that point was self dealt. He deals, I am the second deck shuffler, it keeps things moving. Others are also doing this for the other match. Earlier in the evening John DeRose (Myrtle from online tournament poker) and I prove ourselves to be degenerate gamblers by playing each other for $10 after we have both busted out of our flights. I also met Nicholas Fradet (the Prince), nice guy and is writing a piece for PokerPages about FARGO. The last of us leave Greg's house around 1 AM? It was nice to see Cheryl (Greg's wife) and Sophie (charming, beautiful little girl) again. If Cheryl can find a sitter on Sunday she may play the stud tourney with us!! Yes! FRIDAY and the PAIRS TOURNEY Friday morning I meet /david for breakfast and then we head to the pairs tourney. Two months previous he had asked me to pair with him, I don't like playing this event, I don't like being responsible for other peoples money, but I said yes. Being responsible to someone else forces me to play with more discipline that I am used too. I play very tight. Twice I laid down an opportunity that as it turned out would have been huge to us. Once I brought us back to a healthy stack, but mostly I lose the chips in the holdem round and David gathers them in the Omaha round. We have a system that works for us (smile). At one point I have pocket K's and I am sure that we are going to get a great lead. It is capped on preflop betting, the flop is still looking good to me when an Ace hits the turn. I check Richard Goodridge bets. I ask David how badly he wants to win. He just gives me a "one player to a hand look" I agonize which makes it painfully clear to the table that I have K's and finally muck face up. We make the final table, we do not make the money. And *thankfully* it is David that busts us, it is a huge hand, he has pounded it preflop and is ahead. Turns out that Warren Sander is ahead on the turn and Steve Daniel the river, but that is Omaha and that is poker. *AND* it would not be good for the "perfectionist" part of this team to have sunk the ship, so thanks David, and thanks for asking me, it really was fun and was a good thing for me to play responsibly/accountably. A big thank you to Peter Stephenson, who was minding his own business sitting on the rail conversing with his wife Mary Massey and others, when I convinced him how much more fun he would have playing the event. He generously allowed me to pair him in the tourney when we were a player short. He didn't plan to play, (he probably didn't want to play), but he did. OK Pete, I promise not to railroad you next year, but thank you very much for playing this year. (Ironically both he and Mary play the Omaha leg and are seated at the same table). Russ Rosenblum and Steve Daniel win the pairs event. They are repeat winners having won last year. Their headsup opponents are Jeff and Lauri Calkins. Lauri has been playing poker for a very short period of time and this is her first FARGO. She did great, but that mean old Russell can read players like a book and took advantage. He did however tell her later what arsenal he used against her. This is another reason why I love ARG events. Jeff and Lauri were also just married three weeks ago and Jeff claims to have done his part for recruiting poker newbies to FARGO. Lauri is lovely, fun and will be a force to be reckoned with. Steve and Russ are going to have a run for their money next year in beating this pair. Their best hope is that the Calkins start a family early, and due to the birth of their child are unable to attend FARGO next year. Russ, Steve you may want to spring for a romantic getaway for these two around February/March. Friday night is the smoker at Cedar's Restaurant and it is attended by smoker's and non smokers a like. The food is always good, the company interesting. It is a good place to catch up with people you haven't seen in a year. This year the entertainment was free. Greg Pappas and Steve DelBorrel brought a date for Arty Santella, yup, that's right a blow up doll. Arty tastefully covered her with his jacket. Later Greg and Stevie produced fur line hand cuffs. Someone asked, "Where do they get this stuff," I answered "Don't know, from trunk of their car, maybe?". I sit in a pot limit game with a short stack and the very first hand am dealt 66, it comes raised to me ($40 to go 5/5 game with action behind) I fold. The flop is 3 spades one of them a 6. This is a wild game and the pot is over 900 when all is said and done and a pair wins. Guess I can't play 66's like Steve Brecher (see BARGE trip report), I guess I am too scared, I have no confidence on anything lately. Heck I had bought in for $300, seems like I could take a chance, though the entire table agreed I was too short and should have folded preflop. I gotta stay away from pot limit until I get over this deer in the headlight feeling. Though I am NOT the deer in the headlights I am the deer that either turns tail and runs, or bolts into oncoming traffic. Gotta work on BEING the headlights. This is a crazy game. Raymers is up five figures from a 300/600 game, a player unknown to me seems to have figured out that Greg is having fun and living large with the profits. If I can't adjust to that and play with scared money, I don't belong there. Mercifully an impromptu Midnight Madness is started, most of the table play it, including me and the game breaks. I meet Frank Sordi, new to FARGO this year, nice guy. Later I played 1-3 stud and (played) with the minds of the locals for a couple of hours before heading off to bed. SATURDAY and NL TOURNEY I showed up for the NL, I was not focused, I was not putting anyone on hands and I wasn't thinking ahead. I got great cards and played a confused gamed, I don't seem to know who I am any more... anyone recognize me *sigh* First orbit I get Q's in the blind. It is raised early by Len Greenberg, small raise I call. Flop comes with two middles and an Ace. I hesitate and check. Len moves in. I am not busting with Q's early so I fold face up. Len shows 9's [:-)] I smile. He has a tell and I thought he didn't have Aces, but NEVER thought about what else he could hold. I was more resolved to not busting on Q's that to playing the hand with what I had observed. WHO am I????? *BUT* I WILL use this to enhance my image that I can lay down a hand. I get K's J's A's. I get no callers and show them all. The A's are badly played. I am utg and I limp, Bo makes a standard raise and it is folded around to me. Do I call, nope? I move in. Bo had just tripled through and I thought he would gamble, I forgot what a squeaky clean image I had (didn't I just show that I could lay down Q's WHAT am I doing moving in here???). I should have taken the chance and called behind him until the turn. Wasted A's. I did however get the table image and tested if I could run the table, the test seemed to indicate yes and I was going to use that to build chips. I get ATcc on the button, with three limpers so I call. The flop comes ten high one club two spades. Len Greenberg bets out T75, folded to me and I thought I wanted the blinds out so I raise to 300 straight (I remember this hand as me being first to bet 300, two others remember it two other ways, so who knows) Bo folds and Len moves in. Ouch. (and there was no reason to push the blinds out, if the flush gets there I fold) I got top pair, with a runner runner nut flush draw. The old me would call, the new me doesn't... I am beginning to miss the old me *sigh*. I fold. Later I talk to Len about the hand. He looks and me and says "I hope this doesn't start...." he doesn't really finish the thought but with body language conveys animosity/retaliation between us. I just smile, not a chance not retaliatory in real life, don't plan to be so in poker [:-)] *BUT* hey Lenny, thanks for verifying AFTER pushing me off TWICE!!! He thought I was steaming over the Q's and that the 300 bet was a bluff so he moved in. He had ATdd, so I would have been freerolling for the flush. I didn't think about what he could have, in retrospect he was utg and didn't raise preflop so he probably isn't protecting a pocket pair ten or higher. I only think about what I have been taught about AT (even suited) being trash and that I have trapped myself. I am no longer the fierce player I was the year before *sigh*. I make the wrong decisions for the wrong reasons taking the worst from my old style of play and not applying correctly "the new way" *huge sigh* WHO am I??? OK, well that took a bite out of my stack. But no worries I am about to run over the table with my weak tight image and then it happens... "you are one off the button, please come with me" ARGH... table change. My new table is a walk in the park with the likes of RayDon, Jaeger, and other toughies that I have somehow managed to erase from my recollection. My hand is there on the table before I am seated. I am utg and I look to AKhh on Jaeger's blind. I look around the table at people and stack sizes and decide I don't have a feel for this table and say "I don't yet know how any of you are playing today, so, to avoid getting outplayed..." and move my entire stack in. Two hesitate but all fold. RayDon is on my left. I fold for a while then discover 8's, make a standard raise on Mary Massey's blind and she calls all in with two pictures and hits one. Now I have to move within two orbits. I pick the wrong spot, RayDon's blind, my button. I have A9 WHJD (what would Jesus do)? folded to me and I move in. RayDon finds a suited Ace in his hand with a bad kicker and calls (he is a BIG stack). I am rivered with by a flush. There is applause, I stand up there is roaring applause. RayDon's stands up and does an "I did it. I knocked her out. It was me (routine)" There is thunderous applause. Steve Zang who was attending his first FARGO was also at this table and RayDon appears to be taking him under his wing, calling him rookie and such. I only hope Steve, that your fate was better than mine. Be careful Steve, be very very careful of those that befriend you (smile) I mosey around and come back in time to see the final table. I watch Russ Rosenblum when it gets to headsup. I think about last year and how I ruled the table when it was four handed, how I blew my headsup match and how lucky I was to even get there. I played badly (though at the time I thought I was brilliant) I understand so much more than I did last year, it is interesting to watch Russ 'read' his opponent and play a skilled game. It is interesting to watch Victor Luzarraga watch Russell watching him, trying to put moves on while avoiding traps. One day I will be an awesome player, or not (smile) we'll see. Glenn (floorman) has told me that it is better for the floor to do a 10 PM Midnight Madness than to do it at Midnight. I solicit interest and find 27 players. Then go to dinner. I return at 9:45 and Glenn now tells me the tables are gone but we could have two stud tables in the back, if we don't mind playing 10 handed at small tables. I tell the interest list "27 players for 20 seats at a STUD table!" Most accept, those that want to argue I simply say, "Well, 27 players 20 seats if you REALLY want to play I suggest you stop voicing your opinion to me and get your ass in a seat" said with a smile, of course. Even those that originally said "I'm not sure I want to play but put me on the list, moved their asses like marathon runners [:-)] Then I asked if we could use the third table that had an idle dealer. No problem. We got 30 players, we got cards in the air. Glenn then thanks me and says it went really smoothly when I handled it. I laugh and say the secret is in the phrase "20 seats for 27 players" none of this causally leaving their existing games WHEN they get around to it (still laughing). It also helped that it was not announced to the room, but done by an indication of interest list solicited by hand from someone familiar with the FARGO players. I played well, I got to the final table. MM is a freezeout with all the money going to one player unless a deal is made. We have gone from 30 to 6? 7? I need to make a move soon I get A2 on the button with only the blinds in, one of them Tim Woodbury, calls my all-in. He shows AT and the flop holds a 2. I am happy and at the river proclaim: Yes! as the crowd groans in sympathy and I note that the picture river coordinates with the other two picture cards on the board for Broadway and I say NO!~!! I get a consolation kiss from Tim and ask if anyone want to do a retroactive deal. One more person gets knocked out then a deal is made. Russell, David, Len and I discuss the days events and hands, that is when I am told the most valuable advice of the day. There is a back elevator to Cedars. It is steps away from the entrance to the RainMaker Casino (the casino the poker room is in). I had discovered the stairs, good for going down, but you can't get back up due to the fire door (btw: could someone explain the logic of that to me, if I get in a stairwell and am then faced with fire I have NO WHERE to go) anyway Russell leads the way to the s00per sekrit elevator. A small group of us were going to try Randall's Ordinary (a 16th century farmhouse where everything is cooked over an open fire) for breakfast on Sunday. As we are playing Midnight Madness Crunch, Al Stuart and I all look at each other at about the same moment and start to say the same thing.. No way.. I decide that I will sleep in and probably not play in the stud tourney. SUNDAY At 8 AM the phone rings and I think, I didn't request a wake up call. It is Matt Treasure inquiring if we are going to Randall's. I tell him that in exhausted states we decided last night not to go *but* I haven't had a chance to talk to him all weekend (he arrived very early Saturday morning) and would love to go, give me 30 minutes. I meet him and Tommy O'Boyle in the poker room and off we go. It is very nice, the company is great, the food is fine. The stories are superb, including Tommy surviving a final table with the likes of Vince Burgio, Barry Shulman, Chuck H. etc and getting to headsup with Miami John in the Sam Town tourney in 1999. I laughed all the way through the story Matt told about Tommy not knowing the particulars about deal making and decided to just play on.... and win. Again this is what I love about FARGO, I was ready to head out, these guys call me up, off to breakfast we go and next thing I know I am handing Matt my wampum card and entry fee and asking him to buy me in so I can check out before the start of the tourney. I wander into the poker room and meet Billy Burwick who is new to our group this year and very happy to be here even though it is just for the day. I chat with Barry Kornspan, new to FARGO but a fun ARG'er. Barry and Pete Caldes are working on formatting the FAQ that we recently wrote... Thanks guys! I take my seat, with the very entertaining Mr. Pappas at our table. It is always an education to sit at the same table as he, and this was no exception. The level is 15/30 and it is being brought in for 15. I am for the first time the bring in and put 15 out there. It is raised behind me and on 4th street Greg says "She originally raised, you reraised, he called..." ding ding ding goes the bell in my head, but I keep my mouth shut until after the hand is over and I say "Greg, you said I raised.. is the bring in less than 15?" "Yeah, it's 15/30 so the bring would be FIVE" The entire table is surprised, guess I'm not the only one that doesn't play much stud and unstructured stud at that. Even funnier is the very next hand Greg is the bring in and he makes a point of bringing it in for FIVE. I love playing with Greg, he is friendly funny and can put you on a hand while he is chatting and seemingly not paying any attention but noting your every move and tell. He then makes subtle comments that if you listen carefully will learn much about what he knows about how you play and what you should be paying more attention too. A mind game within a mind game. It is eerily quiet and I then realize that RayDon is not present. Greg Pappas holds up his end, but without Ray, it is more like a tea party then a poker tournament. I get carded to a table and Stevie D. is on my right. The blinds are high and I make a most critical mistake. Getting no hands for a while, folding away, but not much harm as I am not getting hit with the bring in. The first time I am a bring in, I bring it in for the full bet and everyone folds and I show AA's... shoulda slowed down, critical point in tourney, shoulda let someone else raise trying to push me off and out. So, I table the AA's. The next time I bring it the same way and show K7 this time (not a wise move to show) Third time I have pocket 2's same move but Lauri Lee Calkins Calls me all in.... yikes... She has rolled up 9's but I am full on 7th street... sorry Lauri.. Somewhere I choose a hand badly and push it hard when behind and suck out on Action Bob Hwang on 7th street. I get pocket Q's bring it again for the full bet, no one is scared of me now.... Vince Lepore raises, Bill Alan calls, I reraise. Fourth Street gives Vince has an open pair of jacks and he bets maximum (double bet with pair on 4th) Bill calls, I reraise,Vince reraises and Bill folds. I am up against trip J's faced with reraising all in for 600. The antes are T25 I could still recovery, will be hard with this table line up, Ice, Stevie D., two Vince's you get the picture. I agonize, it is clear that my A showing does NOT match the pair in the hole. I finally call and say I need help. It doesn't come and Stevie D. says I played it right, not so sure. I played it right up to the 4th street bet, but that's poker and I will analysis it to death later this week. I wander to the snack bar for comfort food, french fries, but the line is LONG! Then I spot Matt M. who has just ordered and inquire if fries will part of his order [:-)] I then keep him company while he eats lunch and I bum fries... Did I mention ALL the reasons I love FARGO [:-)] CONCLUSION I say good-byes and head home. It is only 3:30 on a Sunday afternoon, but traffic is horrendous. FARGO V is over. I assisted Bill this year in some areas of FARGO and will be handling it next year. I was asked last year to take it over this year, but I hedged. Last year I didn't know if I would still be in the area or still playing poker. This year I realized that it doesn't matter, planes fly, yada yada... Everything should be in place for FARGO VI by the end of the month, and will be painless for someone to collect the registration and money in the event that I am no longer in the area or no longer playing poker (smile) ***You really didn't expect to see a list of names here did you? If so please email me so I can put you on my list of those capable of being bluffed (grin)***