From: Monte Christensen Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 13:44:01 -0800 Subject: [BARGE] Embargo 2012 Trip report 2nd year of Embargo and the 2nd year that I attend. I arrive at the Imperial Palace on Wednesday night around 8:30. Now people talk about what a dump this place is, and compared to the Venetian I am sure it is, but compared to Binnions, 4Q, or the old Plaza it could be an upgrade. You do have to walk very far to the back tower. I checkin and head over to the Bellagio. I have been working on a rule for 2012 of no more than 4 pints of beer when playing games of 10-20 and above. If I play 4-8 then it is like no limit for drinks. I get seated pretty quickly in a 4-8 game and then move to the 20-40 game after about 45m later. Nothing that memorable at the 20-40 game though I had 6 beers in the 3h that I was there. I did have AA and KK both hold up. One orbit I had K10 off in the SB. It is folded around to me (1st time chop option in this game) and I say that I don't chop. Local tight rock goes on tilt about how drunk tourists only chop some of the time. I have decided the best way to keep improving my short handed game is to never chop so last 6m no chopping for me in any game. I raise and the local folds while continuing to complain for 5m. I leave the game up about $700 when I am called for the 40-80 game. I play here from about 11:30-5:15am. I stick to my rule of no more beers and I then win about 2 hands in that time. Many nut draws that just don't hit. I leave when the game breaks down $2500 in this game. Maybe if I would have kept drinking I could have rocked the game?? I wake up on Thursday and go running. The IP is a horrible place to start running from around 11:00. You have to wade through an army of people to get away from the strip to run. I jog down to the horseshoe and it is still in business but damn near nobody there at 12 on a Thursday. I play some 8/16 O8 (never got name called for 15/30 though would like to play) and then move to 4/8 when John Lloyd arrives. We play some 4/8 and I decide it must be beer time. I had around 5 beers before the O8 tourney starts. I really don't remember much. I do remember the hand QB posted about but I think I was the BB and called his raise with 3356 with a lot of chips left. I did hit perfect to win a big pot. I also flopped a nut/nut draw with some str8 wraps against Dan Goldman and got there with the flush card though he also had a very big hand. I don't play many tourneys (maybe 10 a year) but Barge tourneys are fun even though in 17y of playing I have never won one and only cashed in 3 which is a horrible record. I keep getting either good cards or lucky river cards and keep drinking. When we get down to the final table I notice I am the only one drinking and I have been drinking for 6h or so. I end up heads up with Nick. We play back and forth a few pots and then I flop a set against him and no low comes and low and behold the drunkest person to win a barge tourney since Gavin (pretty sure of this). I am guessing 20 beers is about accurate. It is around 3:00. Very nice small trophy for this small tourney. I think about going to Bellagio but think better about it. I play some video poker at IP but can't even finish 20% of a bud light I order. I end up going to bed around 3:45. Poor Steve Watanabe is woken up by a very loud drunk yelling about winning his 1st Barge tourney. Wake up on Friday and realize that the 8 glasses of water I drank was not enough. I drink about 6 more in 1m and head back to bed. Around 11 I make my jog back down to the shoe and see about the same 5 people as yesterday. It almost seems like I am sweating out beer as I run downtime. I played some 4/8 poker in the afternoon and then play the mixed game. This was a fun tourney until Peter calls 7stud/8. Peter won 3 hands in a row 2 against me all of which I had 2 pair and a low draw only to get nothing. That about did it for me and the idea of a repeat quickly was drowned away in a NewCastle. Steve and I head to the Bellagio to play some 10/20. We play in a fairly tight game with mostly local rocks and one woman playing almost every hand. Steve flopped a str8 with 108o and got some good action. Mostly a bore game for me. Steve heads to be around 1 and I stay until 3:30 to play. Was going to move to 20 or 40 games but before my name is called the game is 4 handed. I say I will play with any number. We play for 90m with 3 or 4 players. Basically the 2 locals and me were raising and the woman was calling almost every pot. She doesn't seem to be able to beat anyone but me but on the river her 2 pair is usually good. She beat AA and JJ heads up. I end up down $180 in this game. I again broke my beer rule but only had about 10 in this game and head to bed around 4:00. Saturday I went running but I am back 15m late for the tourney. I don't see too many hands to play with and have to fold often after the flops. I make a dinner last longer bet with Steve for anywhere (he mentios TAO which is ~100/person). Steve and I have both never have many chips. Of course we start drinking early on today. After 2h of play I have about 5 BBs left when steve raises my BB. I have 7s2s and call. Bottom flop is 772. Steve calls my check raise all in. He has JJ and has lots of way to win as one board has 1010 on it. The turn card is a J so no waiting for Steve and he busts me and gets dinner. Steve bust soon after and we head to the noodle place. I doubt TAO would let people dressed like us in. We then head over to the Bellagio. We have a barge tradition of playing last night drunken games somewhere. In recent years it has been at GN. Tonight we decide on Bellagio 4/8. We play about 1h of 1/2 NLhe before we both move to 4/8. We start ordering double vodka drinks. Pretty soon one entire end of the table is drinking and straddling. One of the players is a 20/40 player who knew Barry T and said he would play 4/8 and drink with us (Big bearded guy names Shannon who claims to be a backed player in 20 and 40 games here). One nice women suggests we try double vodka pineapple drinks and we agree. These are pretty good and we start ordering 5-6 at a time for that end of the table. The game is wild. 6/10 are straddling and many are raising the straddle without looking. I am up almost $400 in the first few hours. One round the waitress just brings drinks and leaves them on a small table. The nice Women's husband comes over. I guess he is a regular in the 5/10 game but decides to play some 4/8. Steve and I stumble over to the racebook and lost a bet after looking at the horses warming up. Steve mentions what a degenerate I am for having a racehorse friend on facebook. I tell him I bet $500 on him to win the derby at 24-1 and if he wins he will be my friend. John also joined the game and the pots are crazy. We saw a pot where AA, AA, KK, JJ played on a board of Q,9,2,9,3 and the Aces chop a huge pot. We also saw a royal flush beat another flush. I play until about 1 and have had enough vodka to have to use the bathroom a few times. At some point we notice the Bellagio is just not serving this table. We are very loud and I guess this subtle message was a little too loud. John and I leave around 1. We see the young and hip crowd in front of the night club. We are heading back over to the IP. I laughed and drank so much my stomach hurts. I get to bed around 1:15 and set my 5:00 am wakeup call. The bellagio and Venetian are such nice places to play I wonder how I will get by playing at Diamond lils this week? I ended up winning only $55 at the 4/8 game as I was cold the last 90m and the pots are big. Overall Embargo was a blast. Great to see old friends and play some tourneys. Thanks to the organizers as usual. Can't wait until Barge. Monte