From: "MrBookworm" Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2012 21:23:17 -0700 Subject: [BARGE] BARGE 2012 - Abbreviated Trip Report - MrBookworm Funniest thing I saw: A bunch of people in town for the deaf poker league had come over to = Binion's for the Thu night Binon's tourney. We were playing 1-2 NL in = the cash game room after busting out of the limit 6 game tourney and a = couple of the deaf guys had joined the table. The lineup as best I can = remember was Un in the 1 seat, deaf Jose in the 2 seat, Redbird in the 3 = seat, MrBookworm (me) in the 4 seat, deaf Brian in the 5 seat, Doug = Maher (?) in the 6 seat, BronzeDoger in the 8 seat. The two deaf players = were constantly signing to each other. Redbird knows some basic sign = language and did her best to communicate with the two deaf players, = making fast friends with them. Un may know sign language, but as = everyone knows chooses to have a constant verbal conversation with = anyone and everyone at the table, including himself if nobody is = listening. About 30 minutes in, deaf Brian looks at Un, grunts a few times to get = our attention and proceeds to show the universal sign for "yap yap yap = yap yap" while pointing at Un*. The table erupts in laughter since most = of us know that Un can not be quiet if he is conscious. After we all = calm down a bit, deaf Brian then proceeds to stick his tongue out and = pretends to cut it off with scissors made by his index and middle = fingers. Un, you know you talk too much when the deaf guy tells you to = shut the fuck up. *The sign used for "yap yap yap yap yap" is to pretend you have your = hand in a sock puppet and open and close the sock puppet's mouth = rapidly. Funniest thing I heard: I withheld the name of this BARGEr and will leave it up to him to = identify himself if he so chooses. On Saturday during the NLHE picture break, I asked a fellow BARGEr how = he was doing. "Great, I'm drunk as hell", came the reply. Nothing = unusual about this, so I inquired "oh, did you stay up all night = drinking?" He replied, "I was planning on staying up all night, but had to change = plans when I woke up on the toilet at Main Street Station. I was = obviously way more tired than I realized, so I went back to my room and = got 45 minutes of sleep." While this answered my initial inquiry, I just = had to know, "were your pants up or down?" The answer, "down." My apologies to Skippy for not finding out if the deuce was still in the = bowl or not when he woke up, sometimes you just don=E2=80=99t remember = to ask all the right questions. Dean "MrBookworm" Kerl A++ G++ PKR+ PEG* B+ TB ADB M+++