From: John Grout Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2012 18:33:51 -0700 Subject: [BARGE] Trip Report Most of my trip to BARGE was routine. I didn't make any horrible decisions, but I didn't cash in any events and didn't get particularly close to cashing in any of them. =20 My last day at BARGE was the best=85 Sunday brunch, post-event at the Goldmans, Patti B graciously inviting me up to the United lounge to wait for a late flight=85 but then I made my worst decision of the whole trip. After getting to SFO at 1:30 AM and getting my bags, I called my shuttle company=85 no vans available=85 and so I went down to where the taxis were=85 and the bus serving my neighborhood once an hour zoomed by. I yelled Stop That Bus=85 no one did=85 and so I tried to catch it and went flying above=85 and then onto=85 a=20 concrete sidewalk. Oops. Two fractures in my right shoulder, both displaced... surgery once the swelling goes down, is signed off on by insurance, surgeon is available=85 followed by rehab. At least a month on disability at 70% salary (at least it's non-taxable). I should have stood in Vegas=85 Typed by my left hand John R. Grout