Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2012 16:59:56 -0600 From: Joe Long Subject: [BARGE] ChipRider Trip Report This has been a busy week. But I'm finally getting around to writing what will be a brief trip report. Arrive Tuesday, check into The D (old Fitzgeralds). All I need is a place to shower and sleep. Played a little 4-8 HORSE before the Lowball tourney, up a bit. All week people asked me about why no dyed hair this year: because some nutcase who committed murder at a theater in Colorado was showing up on TV with dyed hair, I felt uncomfortable about it just now. Got about halfway in the tourney, then played some 4-8 Dealer's Choice until 3am. Down a bit. Wednesday, missed Egg & I but played in the Binion's 10am tournament. Chopped for first place. Lost some at HORSE, then another half-way or so run in Pot Limit Binglaha. Finished with some more DC, down a bit. While playing I got recruited by Peter to play on the McLibtards team for CHORSE. I wasn't going to play this year, but how could I resist that? Thursday, CHORSE. The McLibtards gave me a blue "Liberal" button to wear, I was an Honorary Liberal for the day. They had someone playing Crazy Pineapple so I took Razz. Increased my stack during the first two rounds, but got only one playable hand in the last round and lost that one. Still in the black a bit, though, in my time in the box. Our team was ahead going into the final NLHE round, but the all-in fest on the last hands took away the trophy. That story's been told elsewhere. We did make a profit, though. I moved to the Nugget because Kat was arriving that night. Up a bit in HORSE before the tournament, another mid-pack finish in 6-game. Then the first serendipity of the week: Kat wanted to go eat when she got there and I wasn't hungry. So instead of going with her, I said I'd see if a DC seat was open and she should come get me after she was finished. That led to this: We were playing 4-8 "murder." I played a hand with a 5 and one 5 came on the flop in the middle row. On the river two fives came, on the top and bottom row, giving me quads. I also had low so I scooped a nice pot. Then on the next hand Scott on my right in the big blind is encouraging me to straddle. I never straddle, but I was feeling high from the quads and said "Oh what the hell" and straddled. Then as the action comes around he says "I'll call because Joe will never raise his straddle." Well, I couldn't resist, I raised. Then it got capped and five of us saw the flop for $100 in the pot before the cards came out. I had prospects so with the large pot I stayed in. I had a nine and a ten (I forget the other two) and the river came 9-9-ten. I was afraid of a bigger full house so I just call, and as I table my cards I declare full house and say "I hope there isn't a bigger boat out there." Then someone says "You have quads." I say "I do?" and see the case nine was on the other row on the turn, I'd completely forgotten about it in my relief to see that I'd filled. There was no low, so another scoop. So that was two quads in two hands, in a game that I was only in because I decided not to eat with Kat. Friday, TOC. Another so-so run. This year was not good to me in BARGE tournaments. Down a bit again playing DC after. Saturday, the other (BIG) serendipity. I'd qualified in an online tournament on the legal subscription site "Face Up Gaming," a tournament which had a seven-day Card Player poker cruise as prizes. But it was running Saturday afternoon so I wasn't going to be able to play it. Well, I went out of NLHE early, after a little over two hours, so I was able to play the online tournament after all. And I won a cruise plus $500 cash. The cruise does not include airfare, but the $500 covers most of that. So Kat and I are going Sep. 15th, a Western Caribbean cruise on the "Oasis of the Seas." (Pickles is sailing on the same cruise.) Kat had a great run in NLHE, but finished 18th with 16 paid. We were paired in the calcutta and I'd been telling people that she was a strong tournament player, that she'd do better than I would. I like to joke that I taught her everything I know about poker, then she learned more. (She doesn't like me to say that.) After the banquet Kat decided to play a little video poker, and she put in a Benjamin. She thought she was playing ten-cent, for 18 plays per pull, but she'd had a bit too much to drink at the banquet. She was playing dollars 18 plays per pull. In about five minutes she wondered why the hundred was gone, then saw what she'd really been playing! She decided to go back to the room and take a nap before playing live, then was out for the night. I was up a whopping twenty bucks in the Reindeer Games, playing until 4am. Had a great time at it as usual. We didn't fly back until Monday morning, so we got to go to the Goldman's party. Later we checked out the Ariat and played some 1-2 NL, but I find that place gloomy and somewhat depressing, so we didn't stay long. Then an uneventful flight home, and another great time in the ol' memory banks. Thank you organizers, Binions, and everyone who had a hand in making this such a great experience. -- Joe Long aka ChipRider A++ G+ PKR+ PEG+ B+ M+