Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 14:10:10 -0400 From: David Fruchter Subject: [BARGE] Trip reportlet Stuck in the car for the next few hours on the road to Atlanta (wife driving) so I'll try to tap out a few remembrances. Missing Redbirds: Friday late afternoon playing 4-8 horse, much drinking has been accomplished. David (don't call me Dave) Kuznick has rediscovered how to play poker and is sitting with about nine stacks of blue chips and two stacks of reds. He gets up to go to the bathroom and I immediately snatch one of his stacks of redbirds and hide it in my rack. As David is kind of a persnickity guy I query the table as to how long it will take him to notice the missing chips. A debate ensues and an under/over of 45 seconds is set. One voice chimes in noting David's Jewish heritage and wants to book "under 5 seconds". LOLZ ensue. I take under 45 and book about six over bets at $2 apiece from the rest of the table. I ready the stopwatch on my phone and as soon as Kuznick's ass hits the seat I start the timer. About a second after that Northshore Mike (who may have never spoken a word to Kuznick in his life) begins to ask David from accross the table how his wife Jessica is doing in the tournament. Realizing the brilliance of this distraction ploy I start howling about the angle shoot. The table is cracking up and the clock is down to ten seconds when some white night at the table breaks in and asks David if he'll sell him a stack of reds. David looks down and with three seconds on the clock yells, "hey, where are my chips"? The table erupts and now Northshore starts whining about the fix. A few moments after that and I'm showered with blue chips as the bets are paid off. I love this barge. Dave (now I understand why novels aren't written on smart phones) f Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 22:34:00 -0400 From: David Fruchter Subject: [BARGE] Trip reportlet #2 Technically post barge but still funny. Monday afternoon post tax conference and I'm relaxing at the Mandalay Bay poker room playing a little 1-2. There's a 70 something old white guy playing to my direct left on the hook and behind him is an attractive young girl in her early 20s drinking a beer. At first I don't know what to think of this but after a time the old guy mentions that he's traveling around with his grand daughter. Sitting across from me is a 30 year old black kid. Not quite from the hood but not from my neighborhood either. Everybody is congenial but I don't hear a peep from the girl except to order a second beer. Some time goes by and the old guy racks up and he and his grand daughter leave. About a half hour goes by and the young girl suddenly reappears and hands the black kid a folded slip of paper, smiles sheepishly then leaves. Black kid opens the paper, smiles broadly and immediately starts texting furiously. I ask him if he knew the girl and he tells me that he never spoke to her and that they were just making eyes at each other behind Gramp's back. Next night after the conference I'm back at the game and the Black Kid sits back down at the game. I ask him how his night went and he responds, "want to see the pictures"? Since we all know that without pictures it didn't happen I obviously say "yes". Suffice it to say it happened in many different positions. Grandpa would not have been pleased. Black kid goes on to tell me that cute blonde is 22 years old from Texas and has two kids. I ask him if she was married or if she just hands out a lot of notes. Black kid decides to laugh at my quip and not stab me so I think we bonded. Dave f