From: "Russell Fox" Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 14:35:32 -0700 Subject: [BARGE] Russ' 2010 BARGE Trip Report All BARGE trip reports are supposed to contain a travel horror story. I can't do that, as the travel to and from Las Vegas was pleasant, easy drives. I can and will give some other auto horror stories later....This trip report will be more disjointed than usual as I didn't take too many notes (really!). BARGE was, as usual, a blast. I had a fun in all the tourneys, but didn't cash in any BARGE tournament. Blah. I broke about even in cash games courtesy of Chinese Poker. Now, I am a bridge player, and bridge skill does translate (somewhat) into Chinese Poker skill. Even better, I found opponents who were JP. No matter, somehow I ended up the week quite positive in Chinese Poker despite losing $39 in high/A-5 with bug/high Chinese at the Goldman's party last Sunday. Highlights: 1. Playing the nlhe tournament about as well as possible. I probably should have been out ten minutes in. I had the Scottro (77), and called Michael Hunter's raise to T50 from the single blind (T25). The flop was T9x, and I just didn't believe that Michael had anything. After I checked, he bet T50 and I called. The turn was my gin card (or so I thought), a 7. I checked, Michael bet 150, I raised to 600, he shoved and I called (I had him covered). He had 86s (there was no flush draw), so I had ten outs. One of those ten outs came (a ten) and I doubled-up. >From then until I was knocked out I had both a fun table and fun. Emily Jillete (Penn's wife) was at the table and told plenty of jokes. I had Spencer 2.0 on my left (Kenny) and that wasn't ideal (from a nlhe standpoint), but I survived. My table broke at 27, and Kenny was moved to my right. Kenny raised from the cutoff to T3000 (blinds 600/1200/100), I shoved to T9800, and he called with QJ. I had AJ, but Kenny rivered a straight. 2. Not getting in an automobile accident. From Wednesday of last week on, I saw several accidents, and I had plenty of drivers take aim at my car...luckily, they all missed. 3. Great food by Binion's. I had fear and trepidation regarding the food at the Symposium and the banquet. The fear was misplaced and the trepidation was unwarranted. Mmmm, cheesecake (at least the cheese and sugar). There was plenty of good food at the Symposium, with leftovers being served at karaoke. 4. Dan & Sharon's after-BARGE Hangover party. Thanks again! Lowlights: 1. I didn't cash in any of the BARGE tournaments. Well, I still don't know how to play Badugi, and I'd prefer the Stud Shootout be brought back, too. 2. Aaron not getting hurt by the hit and run driver. Aaron was driving on I-15 back to where he was staying, and his car was hit by a hit and run driver. He was fine (thankfully). That bad beat was made up for by a very good beat -- Aaron (my symposium partner) came in 4th in the nlhe. 3. BARGE only lasts one week of the year. Well, I understand there might be an addition to the family next January. 4. I had 123 work-related emails to tackle on my return. Some other comments: 1. I am not a Merlot drinker. Or at least, bad, bitter Merlot. 2. I probably need to get a smart phone. All the cool kids have one, and that way I can twitter send and receive. (My current phone sends, but won't receive.) 3. The Symposium prize pool ($7090) was under fifty percent of the nlhe prize pool (around $17,000). We need to either draw more individuals into the Symposium or consider ending it. I think it's fun (even though I work at it and even though only one of my five buys cashed), but this is definitely an open question for others. (As a reference, the Symposium prize pool was about 70 to 80 percent of the prize pool the year I won BARGE (2001).) 4. My ccr streak continues. I'm 23 for 23, escaping against Dave Tahajian for the tip pool at Egg & I. (Thank you, Goldie, Ice, and Chuck for that great breakfast.) 5. I met a whole bunch of great people this year. Bryan Micon (I sat next to him for a couple of hours in the TOC), Joe Tabloni, and many others whose names I'm forgetting (I told you I didn't take good notes this year). 6. After dropping Tom Bayes (Chris) off at the airport, I stopped for gas before heading home. As I waited for the signal to change at Blue Diamond/I-15, I noticed a motorcycle cop on the sidewalk of the overpass aiming a radar (or laser) device at traffic. That portion of I-15 has a 55mph speed limit due to construction. As I entered the highway, I counted four lucky recipients of speed trap tickets, with one more motorcycle cop waiting to be directed to the next 'winner'. The cops, btw, were Las Vegas police, not Nevada Highway Patrol officers. I guess needing gasoline was a good beat for me. Finally, I want to ape what QB says each year: Can't I attend BARGE each week?