Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 21:49:05 -0700 From: Mark Trombley Subject: [BARGE] TRIP REPORT Kinda Barge 2010 Trip  Report^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H Random Thoughts Getting there and back. I drove. 7 hours each way. Yes it's boring and yes I could fly there in an hour, Mav, but driving makes me happy and flying does not. Got to LV and checked into my room at Main Street just in time to get over for the start of the Tuesday night Badugi tournament.  I needn't have bothered since I was one of the first people out.  I'm hoping this was maybe the last BARGE Badugi tournament.  Next year let's play Chinese poker. Grapes will be happy to make up a version no one knows how to play, to make it fair for everyone. Playing Chinese Poker with JP, Grapes, and Meredith Holtzman.  This was a three game rotation with High-High-High, followed by 2-7 in the middle followed by… Meredith: "What's the next game?" JP: "Five-card high in the back, four-card 2-7 hand in the middle with virtual bug and three-card high hand in front that plays with two board cards." To her credit, Meridith didn't just get up.  At least not right away. I didn't either, but should have. More Chinese Poker: New Dealer(looking at 2-card board):"What's this??" Asya: "Don't worry about it." I did well in the Lowball (2nd) and the 6-game (1st), then completely whiffed on both the TOC and the NL.  My understanding was that final-tabling either one most likely would have gotten me MOP, but I just choked.  In the 6-game, I knocked out Carol Kline, Sabyl and Ploink at the final table, all three with worse starting hands.  All three were very gracious and didn't call me a lucky donkey.  At least not to my face. Slightly awkward moment during the 6-game. Carol is on my left and is being...enthusiastic. I have my left hand up against my head with the tip of my little finger plugging my ear. Carol notices and asks, "Oh, am I being too loud." Oops. I pull my hand down and say "No, no, no problem." At the symposium, my pair went for $80 (average was around $60 I believe) . Note to prospective bidders for next year: being able to play limit games reasonably well does not necessarily map into playing NL well.  I am not a very good NL player.  Amazingly, I have realized this just over the last year or two, although the evidence has been in my tournament log for a long time. One great moment from the NL which will appear in more than one trip report, I'm sure.  Blinds are 75-150, Nolan is in the small blind (IIRC). Carol Kline is UTG.  Carol calls, folded around to Nolan who shoves for (again IIRC)  around $1400. Big blind folds, Carol (who has a pretty big stack) calls.  Nolan turns up 66, carol Turns up A3o, so Nolan is sweating 3 outs.  Flop comes … AA3.  Nolan hits the roof. We've all seen this kind of thing before in poker, but Nolan's unique "hitting the roof" style make it a memorable moment. (I think this is right. It could have been Nolan on the button and Carol in the big blind, tho...someone correct me if I'm wrong). Let's see, that's about it. Oh, someone (Dan Goldman? Nolan?) recommended a wine to try by Orin Swift winery, "The Prisoner."  On the way home, I picked up a bottle to try.  Paying back whoever it was: look for  Dominican Oaks winery "Intarsia" for around $20. Oh and thanks to everyone who put this together once again. To Peter, Nick and Mickdog, and to Binions staff and dealers for "getting" us. I'm looking forward to doing it again next year.