Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 10:44:54 -0600 From: Joe Long Subject: [BARGE] 2010 Trip Report A fantastic time as usual -- kudos to the organizers and everyone who helped out. Oldbear and Grizz rode their motorcycles to BARGE. They met at my house and traveled together from there. It was great having them visit. Oh, they saw a little more of Colorado than they bargained for -- they made a wrong turn after leaving my house and ended up on a steep mountain dirt road. Scenic, though! Arrived Tuesday, played some live Dealer's Choice before the badugi tournament. I've been practicing badugi on PokerStars at micro-limits, but it's not the same. Lousy cards anyway, short run. More live DC after. Wednesday, found most of Nugget pool closed due to filming CSI. Water slide still open. Ran into Deadhead and family, had good time at slide. Did a bit better at Lowbah tournament but didn't make it halfway. Thursday, breakfast with CHORSE team at Golden Gate. Had my first year at CHORSE to not build the stack during my time in the box, but only lost a little and the team made a small profit (yay!). CSI still filming in the pool at the Nugget. Had my best run of the week in the six-game tournament (I liked that one a lot), but came up short of the money, busting out 12th when they paid eight. More live DC. Kat arrived late and went straight to bed. Friday, ran two miles with Deadhead and the bunch in the morning. I was afraid I'd slow them down but his five-year-old daughter ran with us so the pace was one I could manage. Uneventful ToC, made it about halfway. More live DC (do ya think I like Dealer's Choice at BARGE?). Forgot all about Karaoke until nearly midnight, looked in on it for a few minutes (bummer). Saturday, had a real treat in the NLHE. I was moved to the left of Andy Bloch. Then a few hands later they moved Bill Chen to the table as well. I was nearly crippled by a hand where I had KK and called an all-in preflop who showed QQ -- a Queen flopped and I thought I was toast (no, this is not a bad-beat story -- at least not for me). Until a King came on the river, and I got a nice bottle of wine for a bust-out gift. A while later Andy takes out Bill and they break the table, moving me to the right of Goldie. He asked if I had a last-longer bet and I said I didn't think so, but he checked his list and I did, for ten bucks. I watched him push with a short stack (yay!) and double up (boo!), then a few hands later he's all-in again and busts out. I collected his first payoff, but alas I was short-stacked as well and went out myself a few hands later. I haven't cashed in a BARGE tournament since three years ago. Kat when out of the NLHE before 2pm, so she entered the Binion's 2pm tournament. I did the same last year and cashed, but she did better -- she chopped it. She was still in the tournament when the banquet began, so I took her plate down to her. I was unhappy to see her soon after, until she told she was just on break and still in. The next time she came to the banquet she brought the good news that she'd chopped. Then of course the reindeer games -- DC again, of course. As some of you have noticed I'm a bit bipolar*, and I have a low tolerance for alcohol and had used my drink tickets at the banquet. So I was really manic at the start, having a GREAT time. I had to work hard at bring myself down or I might have lost the ranch. I started out well but ended the night with a loss -- no matter, I had a great time as usual. Kat and I had an early flight out so I didn't get any sleep, after the plane took off the next thing I knew was the "bump" of landing. The only way to fly. * That "bipolar" thingy ... I did have it diagnosed and treatment offered but it's mild, it doesn't interfere with my work and I enjoy the highs enough to make the lows worthwhile. So I declined treatment. I just have to be careful to recognize it at the poker table and go into my drill to bring myself down. Mark and Guy overnighted at my house again on their way back home. A nice cap to a wonderful week. See y'all next year!!!!!! -- Joe Long aka ChipRider