Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 22:36:00 -0400 From: "David A. Soussan" Subject: [BARGE] Barge 2010 Trip Report - Soussan Monday 8/2: Wife is going to spend time with her mom capturing some video stories - I spend most of Monday night & Tuesday morning getting equipment, DVDs, monitor, recording equipment, etc. together so this can happen while I'm partying at BARGE. So I get about 3 hours sleep. Tuesday 8/3: Got to the airport hours early to see if I can catch an earlier flight. Delta's policy is different from Northwest Airlines: "It has to be in Delta's best interest" It was as my flight was full, but the earlier flight had no available space so the gate agent #1 said I should take my originally scheduled flight. 5 minutes later I heard them "cancelling no-show seats" so I hung around anyway, and when I asked gate agent #2 he said he could find a seat for me. So I arrived ~3 hours before I was supposed to. Win #1. Checking the BARGE arrival list, I found David Heller was scheduled to arrive about the same time. Call, ring/disconnect. Lather rinse repeat. Text, message failed. Get a call back, can't hear anything. Note to self: Don't try to make a phone call while the airport train is going underground. 5 attempts to call / answer / text later, we are talking and setting up to share a cab to downtown. On the way David shows off his very nice Green Lantern ring. I express my inner Sheldon: "Way cool!" Sharing the cab ride: Win #2. Meet up with my brother Jeff (AKA: Blofeld) in the tourney, I donk off chips in the 2-4 HE game while he plays Badugi, then we get a bite to eat. Between the 3 hour time change, getting up early, and other associated distractions the day before, I'm whipped. Go to bed early (~11 PM?) I'm a pu77y, I admit it. Wednesday, play in two 1-2 table tourneys @ GN. Hit the bubble or bubble-1 in each, can't seem to cash. Before, between, and after I do some much needed work back in the hotel room. Nothing eventful. Lowbaw is uneventful as I see more two pair and three of a kind hands than I'm supposed to. Made it past the first break, I think the second, and then I'm gone. Tired, I crash early. Thursday, lose a little at 2-4, come close but not cash in another GN tourney, then to sushi. Pig out, contributing heavily to the over winning this year. Should have bet the over. Another loss. Big win was splitting an extra "seat" at the Sake tasting. I think I'm going to like this Sake sampler next year! I ask about Asya's way cool Ro Sham Bo shirt and where she got it - apparently only available in women's. Channeling my inner Sheldon again, what I'll admit to the group is that I really want a Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock shirt. I'll bet has it. Yes, they do, and I'll have one at Barge 2011. Back to Jeff's place, get to see his newly minted son, Brilliant Uncirculated daughter, and lovely wife. We chat, Jeff works, I try to soothe crying baby but us guys just don't have the good stuff he wants, so its back to Mom. Then off to the Goldman's for my first non-smoking smoker as I haven't smoked since I was three years old.=20 I pop my bourbon slushie cherry and enjoy in careful moderation as I'm the DD for my bro, so I also go very easy on the Bourbon tasting trying to break the world's record for tasting the smallest quantity of bourbon in each sample. Jeff's slushie gets my overflow :) - it is good to have a DD! As for the bourbon - my taste buds have been opened onto another new world! Still absolutely stuffed from Sushi, I have a bit of BBQ. What a spread - great job Dan, Sharon, & Bree. Towards the end of the evening, I help clean up a bit until Sharon puts the guilt trip on me. Great food, great conversation, and I can't wait for next year. As DD, I get to drive Jeff's TT back to DT LV. Sweet ride! Enough TLAs for everyone? Friday, playing some 2-4 before the TOC, someone orders an Orange Julius. That sounds good, so I have one as well. What comes back: Lots of ice, watered down orange juice, and some whipped cream on top. An insult to Orange Julius everywhere. I upgrade to MGD. TOC goes well, I make it past two breaks and have a nice stack going into the third session. My 15 way straight & flush draw goes up against a flopped set - I don't make mine, but he upgrades the set to a full house. This cripples me and IGHN soon after somewhere in the 60s. Chock up another loss. I found Devon and invested in our syndicate, electing to not attend the symposium this year but delegate the finances to someone more qualified than I am. Dinner @ GN buffet w/Jeff & (Bart?), with a choice seat overlooking the pool and eye candy below, then back to poker. I sit in some 2-4 and have a run up to Karaoke for a bit where I finally get to say hi to Tanya, my virgin year's virgin queen. Every year we've started at the same NL table for the big dance, but she isn't playing this year (booo!) Saturday morning's NL tourney, I brought a pre-bust-out gift/bribe of a dozen Krispy Kremes to my table to "Be gentle with me". Our table has 3 no-shows for most of the first 45 minutes so there were a few extras. This year's virgin queen (Yo!) is at my table and she is one tough cookie (poker wise)! After I finally give up on our now shows I run around and some of those Krispy Kremes end up with folks at other tables - he/she who spoke first, got one. One seat shows up (I know her but name hidden to protect the innocent) and busts out in a few hands. I win two all-ins and make it past the photo break with a decent stack. Then I go completely card dead for a long time, and IGHN in the 130s. So I lose & pay off my LL bet with Jeff. First year I've lost the LL with him.=20 To pass the time, I sit in and get run over by the 1-2 NL, then go lose another $100 in a GN tourney. I really suck at this game! Banquet was good, and I thought Barry made some good points. Perhaps I should have table changed during the tourney? Oh, wait - I can't.... Sigh. Reindeer: I played in the dice rolling 16 game random game till 2 AM, drank way too much, had too much fun, and donated $65 to the other players. The night is foggy in my mind, but I smile when I think about it, so my subconscious remembers a good time. I have memories of a rather lively sex in the butt discussion with one of the female BARGers. Put the iPhone video skills to use recording a BARGE virgin's first time rolling the dice at a poker game. Sorry, but his name is also lost in my alcohol induced fog. Sometime during the reindeer games one of my syndicate's investment team (Devon? Michael?) gives me back less than I threw into the pool - but it is > $0, so even though I lost money there it feels like a win. Sunday, after all those losing sessions, I see Russ Fox and ask if he has another copy of his book "Why do I suck so bad, am a contender for #1 chip donkey, and are such a f-ing loser at poker?" but he has none of them left, so I lose the chance to improve through some reading as well. I was playing in Binion's tourney and am first or second to bust out of that, giving me an even worse complex. I go back to GN and sit in their tourney, end up splitting 1st & 2nd places - breaking the losing streak (finally! Or was that a blind squirrel finding a nut? Don't answer that!) then spend the remainder of the afternoon recovering from all the partying in the room watching a movie and vegging out. That evening I walk downtown and have finally taken the camera out of the camera bag doing some 'available light only' photography, practicing looking at a scene and correcting for the camera metering for 18% grey with exposure compensation. After a recent wedding, I need to learn & do this with less chimping and more auto pilot. Monday 4 AM wake-up call, 4:15 AM shuttle back to the airport, and Barge 2010 comes to a close for me. Props to all the organizers for a great BARGE experience again this year! Hmmm.... How many days till Barge 2011?? David Soussan