From: "bob ogus" Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 21:46:36 -0400 Subject: [BARGE] Bob O's 2010 BARGE Trip Report - LONG Trip is a blur.BARGE is fantastic Kudos to organizers, sponsors, etc. Travel and highlights; poker summary later Fly SWA from Tampa to LV direct non stop - Arrive Thursday 29 July Cab to Golden Nugget (saving airport fees by picking up car downtown) Meet friends and colleagues (non BARGE) from California desert at 29 Palms (1st highlight) - have not seen them for many months Friday Pick up car at Four Queens; works like a charm drive to Boulder Station to meet Allknight; Deb (Adam's wife) and Martin for dinner (2d highlight) Saturday 1st group of BARGErs arriving - meet many at Orleans - another highlight Dinner at Big Al's - always great - thanks Randy again for setting it up Sunday Meet Allknight and more friends for dinner at Benihana including Tom Young from venetian poker room and wife - great fun, good food Monday Meet 2d set of non BARGE friends from "real" desert - operators and pilots from Army - major highlight - seeing sons of friends back from the war - major highlight - BARGE friends call to check on me as I dropped off radar - really great to have good friends who have your back Thanks guys! Tuesday pick up nametag and start living large and loving it with BARGE friends reindeer games start early Wednesday- Saturday Eat dinner Charles Humphrey a fellow traveler (liberal pinko communist for you young folks) And a lawyer - Seriously, a fine fellow and friend meet more friends - see a new Goldie and Sabyl - wracked by jealousy (I will avoid all cars this year!) Enjoy BARGE - again and again and again Good seeing Tom Overton - looking good Actually get hit on by two attractive blonde sisters wearing rings and bling at the Orleans.did I dream this??? Major highlight! Non smoker dinner is great Ice is easy on us picking good and not expensive wines Egg & I with the Pickles and others Friends everywhere! Conversation is lively, food is great. Thanks to Goldie, Ice and Chuck for covering breakfast. CSI is filming at the GN pool area. Eye candy is great for this old man. Alcohol, cigars, alcohol, dinner, cigars, friends, conversation of many tongues, and more alcohol at the Goldman's - fantastic Thanks for the hospitality Literally bump into friend from 40 (FORTY) years ago - in Vietnam MAJOR UNPLANNED HIGHLIGHT! Meet his second wife (he is 70; she is 38 and gorgeous..more jealousy) We have been virtual friends for nearly ten years - we go to his hotel for alcohol and craps.major cash! Did I say they met at a craps table at CP? CHORSE team meets for breakfast then tourney - WE CASH! Somewhere in here I play blackjack at the Shoe Fell into lust over one of the cowgirl dealers and cashed! The Symposium.join the other BARGE communist and movie critic for a small syndicate that loses, no wins, no loses Truly think Nolan scammed me :-) Best food in years BUT terrible Merlot Join friends for another TITS run Lil Darling rules! (censored to protect others) MAJOR PLANNED HIGHLIGHT! Rodney again takes great pictures and spends his time - and money. Rodney - your rock! Thank you. The Banquet. At Binion's. better than the GN IMHO - except all red wines are evil. Nick was funny again. Comments on our new movie critic were great. Patrick did good also.he deserves many thanks also for his contributions to BARGE. Barry did well too. Great at ad-libbing. I leave Sunday early but plane is delayed due to crew issues.arrive Tampa at 1230 AM At work by 7 AM Monday - ugh And finally the poker.need to read Barry's book - and others! BARGE Tournaments - lose, lose, lose I am a donkey at Badugi ha ha ha (I truly detest this game and design new reindeer game to avoid it. Dealer's choice with a veto) Go somewhere close to middle in low ball Lose lose lose everywhere but CHORSE Ring poker Lose lose lose at 08 limit Win small at Omaha high but am dying from smoke at Boulder Station Win small at 1-2 NLHE at GN and Venetian Reindeer games: lose lose lose If not for craps and BJ BARGE would have been a real negative EV for me Final thoughts BARGE was and is great. Thanks to all who helped it happen. I think I said hello to everyone. Missed all of our friends who didn't make it this year. Looking forward to the next (mini?) BARGE already. Thanks again to Binion's. The home of BARGE. Thanks also to all the other people who make BARGE go. Great job everyone!