Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2008 13:26:49 -0700 From: Zbigniew Subject: [BARGE] Zbigniew at BARGE 2008 Virgins: fun class this year. Buddy thinks I'm capable of a no-limit preflop three-bet without AA and jams with QQ. He's wrong about my capability. I bubble in a Binion's no-limit holdem tourney. (Two tables.) Argh. HORSE: I play a lot of it and, as usual, played ONE session too loose, get crushed and go home an overall loser at this game. Shootout-to-HORSE tourney: third place at table. Whatever. Win the last longers. Video poker: play too much. PattiB sits next to me at VP bar during Team CHORSE. I say, "Tell me if you see me doing anything wrong." She replies, "Well, you're playing a game with a negative edge." Lowball tourney: 18th place. No money. Argh. Team CHORSE: Team MPN back in form with third place finish. Seventeen bucks per man after tokes, w00t. Stud shootout tourney: fourth at table. Argh. TOC style: 23rd place after seven and a half hours. Five from the money. Argh. So burned out, I spend the rest of the night watching TV in my room. Fremont Street Experience: I've never actually seen one of the shows, so I know it only as, "That goddam thing that keeps me awake when I go to bed too early." Buddy LGHO, who plays about 1/1000th as much poker as I do and 1000000 times more penny slots than I do, cashes in TWO tournaments. Feeling quite full of himself at breakfast on the morning of TOC. He proceeds to be the first to bust out of TOC. I win last longer. No-limit holdem tourney: playing well. I bust banquet speaker. Dianne Pickels makes a small raise. (Or maybe she limps?) I call with AT on the button. Nick Christenson calls in one of the blinds. Flop is T6x. Nick checks. Dianne jams. I raise, putting most of my stack in. I figure her for a worse T and need to get Nick out now. Nick jams. I make one of those "I might have odds to suxout" small calls. Nick has 66 for a set. I finish hand with 800 chips. I get moved. Manage to open-call the big blind all-in with 22 and can't beat the big blind and his two face cards. IGHN. Marlin has a great idea: let's go to Bellagio and play limit holdem. Having not played higher than 4-8 all week, I agree. 15-30 is as sweet as ever and I actually get some hands. Best session of the week. Banquet: great company at table. Thanks to all for the conversation. Banquet: I use my two tickets, but am feeling thirsty during the speech. "Anybody have a spare drink ticket?" I'm offered one by three different people, no further questions asked. You r00l! Comments for banquet speaker: review Phil Gordon's presentation from BARGE 2006 on how to self-promote. Win yourself a no-limit holdem events. Hair. Rodney: wow. Wifi, photos, hanging out at Bellagio and ride to airport. Thanks! 15-30 at Bellagio. I'm not sure I heard right, so I have to ask the grandmotherly woman in seat 9, "Excuse me, ma'am. Did you just say, 'I am not a pussy'?" She admits she did. I'm not sure how big a non-pussy you have to be to raise with the nuts, as she did. But, she got a worse flush to pop it again, heh. Single sample: +406 after queasy maybe-I-should-quit feeling. Didn't he used to be bigger? And him? And HIM? WTG, weight losers. I luvz Bellagio 15-30: guy whines all afternoon about "losing set over set" when I flop nines full with 99 and he turns threes full with 33. Later, he cracks my KK with QQ (flopped set) and seems to feel that Justice Prevailed. Organizers, Binion's, shadowy sponsors: thanks again! Keep up the good work! Ultra thanks to Chuck for his years of service. -- A++ G++ PKR>++ PEG-- B+ TB ADB M+ T-352d 22:38:28