From: Ronald Nutt Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 11:06:03 -0700 Subject: [BARGE] Thanks and some observations Where do I start? Oh yeah, the organizers. A big thanks to Peter, Mick, and Nick. A bigger thanks to Chuck. Enjoy your retirement though I assume he'll still be helping out with the registration page (or not). Being halfway across the country and getting the casino and the Gaming Commission to agree to let 275 drunken gamblers run around probably takes more patience than I would ever have. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thanks to Ice for a wonderful breakfast. The Egg and I is always a highlight for Carol and I. Usually we end up there on Sunday morning as well but I missed it by sleeping in this year. Thanks to Asya and Ben for setting up the sushi outing. As usual I ate too much. Thanks to Goldiefish for the non smoker. Part of the fun of going to BARGE is the food and company. Thanks to my teammates of Team Moosecock. I did actually help this year by winning a few hands. Thanks to the Binion and Golden Nugget casinos and esp. the poker room staff. When people asked me where I was staying they were shocked when I said downtown. Don't you want to stay on the strip they ask. No, downtown is where it's at. Thanks to the mysterious benefactor for the drink tickets and the Karaoke. I'm under a court order to never sing in public, hell I don't even sing to myself so I never been there but they tell me it's nice. Thanks to Tom Schneider for being our guest speaker. See observations below. Thanks to everyone for making it the best BARGE ever. Observations I didn't book a win in any poker session but I cashed in 2 BARGE events? How the hell does that happen. I gotta stop playing against clueless monkeys and start playing against the worlds best players. Anyone want to lend me $25,000? It was great to see less of Marc, Bart, Bob, Jester and anyone else I might have missed. Also Ron G who I heard lost a lot of weight as well though I missed last years BARGE so I hadn't met him until this year. WTG guys. I'm inspired enough to lose the rest of this weight and work out, now if only I can find the time and stop making excuses. While I'm on this subject, a huge thank you to Gavin for getting the ball rolling. You da man!! The only bitter old rock I put on tilt was a dealer. At the Excaliber I moved the dealer button to right in front of me. I like it with the word DEALER facing me and just touching the betting line. He grabbed it and said that's where he puts the cards. I moved it back to the line but over to my left so he could deal. No problem, right. Nope, he grabbed it back, slammed it on the table halfway between me and the guy across from me and stared at me. Now that I've heard that the Excaliber is putting those stupid electronic tables in I can see why he was in a bad mood. Come to think of it, nobody seemed happy there. Now I know why. Speaking of those tables, when we opened the new casino in Vancouver we had 10 live tables and 2 of those things. I think we used them 3 or 4 times in 5 months before they were removed. The basic problem with them is you have to register a debit card with your name, address, and phone number. Then you put some money on the card and then play. This could take awhile if it's busy and ties the cage up for the chip runners so the live games suffer as well. If I wanted to play on a computer why don't I just stay home? I didn't enjoy the speaker. I wasn't offended by his attempt at humour and am on the side of giving him the benefit of the doubt that he was trying to be funny. The problem was his bitterness at on line sites and his exwife. Just because you win a couple of bracelets doesn't make you great and the fact that he won them in games other than holdem doesn't help. The poker sites aren't going to offer your sponsership if people have to go "Who?" when your name is mentioned. His bitterness at Pokerstars for offering Hevad and Humberto sponsership and not him, IMO, isn't justified. If you don't play holdem you don't get noticed. If you don't stand out you don't get noticed. Unfair? Probably. His advice wasn't overly helpful either. Have a supportive spouse, make a plan, and listen to your little voice. Gee why didn't I think of that. You can't always hit a home run with the speaker, IMO this was a flyout. Better luck next year. All in all a fabulous time was had by all. When does registration open for next year? Ron N the Stud in Team Moosecock, BARGE CHORSE Champions 2008 BARGE Code A++ G++ PKR+ PEG B++ TB-- ADB- M