Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 20:10:39 -0700 From: Rodney Chen Subject: [BARGE] Vitam regit fortuna, non sapientia Some of what you are about to read is true. Tuesday. I am on my way to the airport. Averaging about 4 hours of sleep per day before BARGE so I'm already acclimated to the sleep schedule required for the upcoming week. Plane is late. I'm working right up until they throw me in the tin can, notice Zbig is on the same flight. After I get into LAS, I see Zbig and Eileen at baggage claim, would have offered rides but I had to get to Summerlin and Henderson before heading downtown. The bad: Getting tunneled on the way to my rental car. The good: Not waiting in a line 20 deep in order to get going. Yay Hertz Gold. After running some errands I'm at the Red Rock for some lunch. Pass by the Bingo room there. Wait. Bingo room. Seating Capacity: 610. Keerist. Go to the Bellagio. Buy in, win money. Easy peasy. Notice the chips have changed. Oh crap. The chips have changed. Ask the dealer when this happened. Ask dealer followup question on if it's just the lower denominations. The dealer thinks it's only the poker room chips. I walk out to the craps table. All changed. All the way up. I'd have a Nolan Dalla moment, but I don't think my friends and I have anything more than blacks at this time. (additional poker content here has been redacted) NL Shootout. The only memorable hand of note is that I get Presto and go all in pre-flop against Dan Goldman's 8s. He's immediately resigned to the suckout and flings his hand at the muck before the flop casually spikes a 5. Chinese Poker. I thought about it. 50 fun with royalties against Gavin Smith, Grapes, and Warren. Before I get a chance Spencer 2.0 wanders over with bills and proceeds to set a royalty hand. Binglaha. A few moments later the Binglaha game is called. Gavin, Ploink, Nolan, Warren, Dan, Chic, Spencer 2.0 to start. The die is some monstrosity that can't stay on the table. I start bitching it's too big. Gavin is not happy with the rolling rules or the fact the buyin is capped at $500 this night. First hand. 1-2-5-10-15-20-25-30. Dealer is adjusting to the fact all the straddles are live. Gavin probably pops it 9 out of the first 10 hands to build a pot and get his stack in a position to cover all the other stacks. A real die shows up eventually. The bad: I donate my buyin #1 to Nolan as he flops a bigger boat. The bad^2: I donate my 2nd stack to Gavin and Spencer 2.0 when neither my nut flush or low get there. The good: I suckout against Gavin to recover a good chunk of those donations. The bad^3: If I didn't have to drive to the crashpad and get the new house key I'd be r00lin more. Wednesday. Egg & I. Thanks Ice. No BJ or VP for me. I'm working from the crashpad for most of the day, also starting the upload of pictures taken for Team Pussy. Lobah. The good: I pretty much cripple Gavin Smith to take the chip lead. The bad: Gavin Smith busts. I quickly spew chips afterwards and bust. Gavin, thanks for letting me last another 30 minutes, because I sux at lobah. Karaoke. Somehow I have a reputation with a camera, because I get asked by a lot of folks if I was taking pictures. I have boundries, young men and women. Un pulls out a guitar in the hallway. I throw two chips in the case. I know how he plays p0cker. The remainder of the night involves multiple women. Story #1: (additional content has been censored for your protection, the visuals may result in permanent eye damage) Story #2: (additional content is currently subject to a gag order by the Clark County courts until trial dates are set) Story #3: (additional content will be released by my lawyer if anything happens to me) Story #4: (additional content will be 'forgotten' upon 'performance', e-mail me for arrangements) Thursday. I violate the Second Law of Patti and I'm headed downtown from the crashpad to get a tour of the Neon Boneyard. Sign a photography release and join a few others on the tour of the boneyard. If you're into history, or if you want to shoot photos, get over here by 2009 because tey're going to open a museum and you won't be able to get as close to the signs again. It's already over 100 degress outside. Three people disappear during the tour, never to be heard from again. Team CHORSE. Wow. What a fire hazard of a poker room. Oh wait, it's our fault. 2/4 at the GN. I get bored and sit down at a 2/4 game, trying to lose $100 as fast as possible. I fail. I raise every hand for an entire rotation. I win chips. Damn it. I finally leave the game having successfully giving the rest o the table their RDA of fiber, because before I sat down it was all a buncha constipated rocks. I <3 Sushi. Thanks Asya & Ben. I'm a sake luddite and I was glad to apply my lightweight genes to some good stuff. Stud Shootout. My lawyer is forwarding the BARGE organizers documentation supporting my petition for Conscientious Objector Status under moral and ethical grounds. Omaha. There's a local at the table! I proceed to assist in the mutual destruction of said local with very bad scoops. I saw a pullstring on the back of him that has about 5 set curse phrases for us. Pinky swear. Friday. I finally am checked into Binions so it's an upstairs walk rather than a 20 mile drive to the crashpad. ToC. Chic Chicing Fruchter. Jacks full of fours. On top of that, he had the exact same hand later that night. It was those blue glasses. Those flower decorations mean nothing. I will be opening a CafePress store with T-shirts..."SCHMENGIES NOT SHENANIGANS". Proceeds from the sale will go to Russ Georgiev to assist with the investigation of the casino tapes. The bad: I'm 19th. It pays 18. The bad^2: I cash. The $ means nothing to me because... The good: Watching 17 say 'Yes' to a deal, 1 says 'Present'. IN YO FACE 77. The good^2: It means Chic is now the money bubble. I mock!!!!1 Symposium. I'm such a degenerate. I have no syndicate. I snipe a horse. MINE MINE MINE. BREST/BOT. You see an open seat. As you go around the table, you see Spencer 2.0, JP, TT, Grapes, Jerrod, and Michelle. I do what no other BARGER did and sat down at this game. The only reason you are not a pussy at this point is that you're in the Binglaha game with Action Bob, or you were going with Patti to the Power Exchange soft opening. NO OTHER EXCUSES WILL BE ACCEPTED. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN F FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT AND AN ENTRY WILL BE MADE ON YOUR PERMANENT RECORD. I wonder who the softie is. Please don't squeeze the Charmin. I was up at this game. Spencer 2.0 drawing to a steel wheel twice was the problem. Not game selection. Really. Saturday. More like late Friday night. I'm firing someone. 700 miles away. Enough of Real Life[tm]. On the elevator ride up so I can shut off that person's access a hooker shows me a black chip and asks me which casino it's from. Classic. "A lifetime to learn and a minute to master." - My Corollary Sit. Steal blinds. Table breaks. Sit. Steal blinds. Table breaks. Sit. Steal blinds x 2. Table breaks. Okay, what kind of table image can I convey if I keep moving? Steal blinds. Bust Un and a few others. Horses are still live after 2/3rds of the field are toast. -- "I think I've told you this before." - Leonard (bonus points if you enjoyed this movie, ladies) I bust out of the NLH tournament after going card dead in the ante rounds, around 3:45. Google Maps has a Ritz Camera location listed in the Meadows Mall, which is about 4 miles away. I run up to the room, grab the flash card and start driving over there, hoping there wouldn't be a backlog of photos to be printed so it can make the banquet. Get to the mall, walk in, look at the directory. No Ritz Camera. Argh. Left my laptop in the room, so I couldn't look up other locations online, so I call 411. I'm transferred over to the one roughly Ft. Apache and Tropicana, which the locals know is in BFE compared to where I was. They suggest the location near Sahara and Decatur, which is right next to the Egg & I. Show up, stick the flash card in for uploading to their printrs and... It's the wrong flash card. Argh x 2. It's 4:30, and if I can't get back there quick, the print run won't be ready in time for the banquet. I violate a few laws of physics and after retreiving the laptop from my room, I'm copying 324 pictures at 80+ mph on I-15. At 6:00 I'm carrying 8 boxes of photos back to downtown. (memento ends) -- Banquet. Math is hard. I realize that I have 54 square feet of photos and there is only part of a 4'x8' table that isn't covered with tableware or booze. I was worried that there would be a lot of folks who wouldn't get their pictures, but in the end, I had 90%+ distributed by the time I left on Monday. Tom was good, I actually use most of what he said regarding that switch going off, so I had to ask him afterwards when he came up with it. He wins by a few years, otherwise I'd have to get my IP lawyers on him. ;) Reindeer games. Much better job this year. Kudos to the Binion's staff and the improved sign-up procedure. Probably the only thing that could be done better is to have maybe 50 bottles of water with a toke cup set aside to get the cocktail waitresses going on the real stuff. It's never going to be perfect. Binglaha. Watching sux. Dan, Ploink, Chaz, Sabyl, Spencer 2.0, Sharon and a few others were at our table before another one started up. Sharon goes to the other table with Action Bob, Byron, Brian Goetz, Warren, and Michael Hunter. Watched a 2 outer and a 1 outer nail pots that cleared $2k but I only manage to scoop a pot here and there. Sunday. It's somehow Sunday. I hear hard banging on the door. For a minute. It's 12:15. I have to check out by 1. Guess housekeeping really wants to clean my room. I suck it up and use up my poker room comps at the coffee shop, then proceed to r00l 4/8 HORSE. With foldem's chips. Un gives a chunk back after I let him play a couple hands under the glare of his wife then I give a bit more back after I lose a pot. A few hands later I'm removed when foldem walks back over after finishing his conversation and folds his hand for me. For the Locals. I finish uploading the final batch of pictures, then head over to Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steak House. It's almost a must stop on any trip I take to Vegas. Even though it's stuck on Paradise row a block away from Morton's, Lawry's, and Ruth's Chris it really does a piece of dead cow justice. I don't eat steak at other places anymore. The other stop I make on Monday is Wonder Sushi. It's another 2 exits down the 215 to Henderson from the I Love Sushi run but only a block north of the freeway. The owner rides the supply chain from one of the Hilton hotels and the quality of the sushi will clobber most places. The atmosphere, and non-sushi food is closer to average but you can't beat $21-25 for all you can eat good sushi (if available they limit you to 1 order of stuff like amaebi/uni/toro) and a large roll selection. In the Special Edition Release. Extra #1 - foldem going nuts when I ask him for a blue chip and I hand him a bill telling him my horse had cashed. Extra #2 - Getting Nolan to bust out laughing when I hear a multi-way all in a few tables down and I'm yelling to hold the game up while the ESPN cameras get over there. Extra #3 - In the unrated version, a round table discussion on who has the best BARGE ass. You'll be surprised what the consensus is. Thanks Chuck, Peter, Nick, and Michael for another successful year. Rodney