From: John Moser Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 18:24:37 -0500 Subject: [BARGE] Trip Report This is a multi-part message in MIME format. In the beginning .... _____ Many thanks to Chuck, Pete, Nick, Mick for organizing another great event. Thanks to Patrick, and Rodney for time, chips and pictures. Thanks to Binion's Poker room staff. The O'Hare shuffle: "ladies and gentleman, the Southwest corridor is temporarily closed due to storm cells moving through the area". We're delayed just enough to join the trickle of departing jets late. We're 31st in line..then pulled from the line and parked along side the trickle of outbound jets which are intermittently rolling toward the runway. McCarren shuffle: First get the cabbies name. "Hello Fred, I need to go to Downtown, the Nugget Hotel Entrance. Please take Paradise or Tropicana but stay out of the tunnel. Thank you". And I still can't believe how expensive it has become to take a cab in Las Vegas. I always get a car. Austerity sucks. Nugget Lobby shuffle: This is a mess, long lines and long winded people. I want to get a place in the Stud Tournament, but was late. Call McMullin: "Paul, I got stuck at O'Hare and I'm late,.. now I'm stuck at the Nugget, if you see Chuck over there would you talk to him about ....I'm down in the lobby..oh, you're upstairs with extra keys.".KaChing! Stud Tournament: A very good time was had by most. It must have been a tough table because I don't feel terribly bad about bubbling the cash. There's always oversight and if I listed mine, it would be longer than the report. But basically I remember Bart, Michelle, Brenda, Taki, and Zbignew at that table. So that's a high bar. But I get rolled up Kings, then Fours and stumble to the bubble against Brenda and Michelle. Michelle advanced and Brenda got some $. Card dead and poorly played: I'm only talking about the TOC and NL Tournament, so then there's that. It was great seeing some of the East Coast gang: Lenny, Claude, Tina, Ross, George, and Goldie. It was great sleeping my ass off Friday It was great seeing Oscar and Russ for steaks Friday night. David Aronson and I had a great talk. Good luck with the stones Bruce. (No not the rolling, the moving) Nice toast Bob! Banquet: I can not begin to tell you how lucky I was to be served late. They took some time but gave me the most beautifully pink and tender prime rib I've had lately. I was seated next to the Aronson's and actually, David's didn't look nearly as good. Tom's talk was outside my wheelhouse poker wise. Trip home was uneventful, shuffle briefly at O'Hare. So what's new?