From: Diana "Prof Chaos" Mercer Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 14:28:22 EDT Subject: [BARGE] Trip Report Diana "Prof Chaos" Mercer BARGE Trip Report 2008 By Diana "Prof. Chaos" Mercer BARGE Chronology for Diana Mercer: 1983: Become Music Director at WIUS AM carrier current radio station at Indiana University. Learn about College Media Journal (CMJ) where Bwana (Scott Byron) works. 1983-1985: Flirt mercilessly with Bwana over telephone and snail mail. Flirting reciprocated with enough random reinforcement to encourage further bad behavior on my part. 1985: Meet Bwana in person at CMJ Conference in NYC. My first trip to NYC. Continue ceaseless flirting. Much of weekend is a blur but see 27 alternative music bands in 2.5 days. Money flies out of wallet. 1988: Graduate from law school and move to Connecticut. Bwana invites me to NYC and shows me Coney Island. Tells me to hang onto purse with death grip. Good advice. 1989: Dead of Winter. Bwana invites me to NYC to see Paul McCartney and WINGS at Madison Square Garden last minute. Jump in car, head to train, come back to car covered by snowplow snow at 2 am. Dig out with bare hands. Wings rocks. 1992: Lose track of Bwana. 1994: Make pre-teen nephews cry because Aunt Diana sucked them out of Monopoly game at the folks' lake cabin. Vow never to play games again. 1996: Find Bwana on newfangled invention known as Internet. Bwana mentions poker enthusiasm; I am mystified. Unspecified: Flirtation turns to genuine friendship and Bwana promptly moves to Costa Rica. Try not to take this personally. Worry Bwana's lost his mind but develop poker curiosity despite myself. Think about poker. A lot. 2005: Watch 1st WSOP ESPN tourney on TV. Wonder if can back off "no games" policy as nephews old enough to beat me in Monopoly now. Memorial Weekend, 2008: Play in first poker game, Planet Hollywood ladies' tournament. Make final table. Am hooked. Report same to Bwana on Facebook. Bwana says "come to BARGE". BARGE Odyssey begins. To read the rest: _ ( Diana "Prof. Chaos" Mercer BARGE Virgins 2008